Perfekcyjny sierpniowy weekend/Perfect August weekend

Znów chwilowa przerwa z relacji z Kos, gdyż chcę opisać naszą najnowszą wycieczkę romańskimi śladami po Mazowszu i województwie łódzkim. Jej pierwszy etap to wizyta w Sulejowie, gdzie znajduje się podzamcze, arsenał oraz właśnie romański kościół, jak to w Polsce bywa, przebudowany, zwłaszcza na przełomie XIX i XX wieku, z nieco eklektycznym wnętrzem. Ogólne wrażenia z miejscowości – podobało nam się. W części zamkowej znajduje się hotel, wydający się być dość popularnym miejscem. Obok w lesie dzikie bajorko, zwane Zalewem Sulejowskim – na pewno raj dla ornitologów:) Ze względu na stosunkową bliskość od Warszawy, doskonałe miejsce na pierwszy etap naszej wycieczki.
Again a temporary break in my relation from Cos, because I want to describe our latest trip searching Romanesque remains in Mazovia and in Łodz districts. Its first stage was a visit to Sulejow where a castle, arsenal and a Romanesque church are located, however as it happened in Poland, reconstructed, especially on the turn of XIX and XX century, with a little bit eclectic interiors. The general impression from this town is that we liked it. In the castle there is a hotel, which seems to be a popular place. There is also a wild puddle in the forest nearby called Sulejow Bay – for sure a paradise for ornithologists:) Due to the fact that it is relatively close to Warsaw, it was a perfect first stage of our trip.
Again a temporary break in my relation from Cos, because I want to describe our latest trip searching Romanesque remains in Mazovia and in Łodz districts. Its first stage was a visit to Sulejow where a castle, arsenal and a Romanesque church are located, however as it happened in Poland, reconstructed, especially on the turn of XIX and XX century, with a little bit eclectic interiors. The general impression from this town is that we liked it. In the castle there is a hotel, which seems to be a popular place. There is also a wild puddle in the forest nearby called Sulejow Bay – for sure a paradise for ornithologists:) Due to the fact that it is relatively close to Warsaw, it was a perfect first stage of our trip.
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