Spotkanie z UFO/Meeting with UFO

Kolejnym etapem naszej podróży romańskim szlakiem był Żarnów. Podobno gmina jest znana z pojawiających się UFO, przynajmniej tyle można wyczytać w Internecie. Naszym celem jednak nie było namierzanie niezidentyfikowanych obiektów latających lecz wizyta w kościele, o którym pierwsze wzmianki pochodzą z XII wieku. Tylko niewielka część obiektu zachowała swój romański charakter. Reszta została doszczętnie przebudowana/rozbudowana, wnętrze zaś pomalowane w dziwaczne kolorowe wzorki. UFO niestety nie spotkaliśmy…
The next stage of our Romanesque trip was Żarnów. The commune is supposed to be known due to the UFO appearing in the neighborhood, at least you can read about in the Internet. Our goal was however not to trace the unidentified flying objects but to visit the church, about which first notices comes from XII century. Only a small part of the object preserved its Romanesque character. The rest was totally rebuild and developed and the interiors painted with strange colorful patterns. Unfortunately we have not met any UFO…
The next stage of our Romanesque trip was Żarnów. The commune is supposed to be known due to the UFO appearing in the neighborhood, at least you can read about in the Internet. Our goal was however not to trace the unidentified flying objects but to visit the church, about which first notices comes from XII century. Only a small part of the object preserved its Romanesque character. The rest was totally rebuild and developed and the interiors painted with strange colorful patterns. Unfortunately we have not met any UFO…
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