Jeszcze raz w tym samym miejscu/Once again in the same place

Ostatnia część opowieści romańskiej – powtórka z wyprawy do Inowłodzia. Na wiosnę odwiedzaliśmy ten piękny kościółek, ale nie dane nam było zwiedzić jego wnętrza. Tym razem było otwarte i podążały do niego rzesze turystów. Trudno – coś z za coś. Wnętrze jest dość ascetyczne, dostępna również do zwiedzania wieża. Ja odpadałam jednak na jednym z podestów, wspinanie się po drabinie na samą górę to już dla mnie wyższa szkoła ekwilibrystyki. Kościółek jest cudowny, nastrojowy i wart zobaczenia, nawet tylko z zewnątrz.
Last part of the Romanesque story – we repeated our visit in Inowlodz. We have already once visited that beautiful church during the spring but we could not see the interiors. This time it was opened and there was a crowd of tourists eager to see the object. It can’t be helped – you have to sacrifice one thing to receive the other. The interior is quite ascetic, it is also possible to visit the tower. I have resigned however on one of the landings, climbing a ladder it is a bit of acrobatics for me. The little church is wonderful, charming and worth seeing, even if you only have a possibility to see it outside.
Last part of the Romanesque story – we repeated our visit in Inowlodz. We have already once visited that beautiful church during the spring but we could not see the interiors. This time it was opened and there was a crowd of tourists eager to see the object. It can’t be helped – you have to sacrifice one thing to receive the other. The interior is quite ascetic, it is also possible to visit the tower. I have resigned however on one of the landings, climbing a ladder it is a bit of acrobatics for me. The little church is wonderful, charming and worth seeing, even if you only have a possibility to see it outside.
Ładna sukienusia i to ostatnie zdjęcie też super!