Dlaczego uwielbiam greckie wakacje?/Why I just love Greek vacations?

Ponieważ wróciło do nas lato, tymi kolorowymi zdjęciami z Lesvos zaklinam je, by zostało z nami jak najdłużej:)

Because the summer came back to us, I hereby cast a spell with those colorful pictures on our summer to stay with us as long as possible:)

Jesteśmy w porcie w Thermi, uroczej mieścinie, niegdyś kurorcie znanym z gorących źródeł.

We are in a port of Thermi, a small charming town, which used to be a health resort due to its hot springs.

Niestety sanatorium stoi od dawna zabite deskami, co potwierdza moją hipotezę, że ludziom przewróciło się w … głowie i jeśli wakacjom nie towarzyszą np. takie „atrakcje” jak nurkowanie z rekinami, żarcie all inclusive bądź co najmniej obóz przetrwania wśród Indian dorzecza Amazonii, zwykłe miejscowości wypoczynkowe już nie wystarczają. Smutne, bo znaczy to schyłek naszej cywilizacji, czemu zawsze towarzyszył w historii przerost formy nad treścią… Co o tym myślicie?

Unfortunately the heath resort seems to be closed for many years, which confirms my hypothesis that people have too excessive expectations and if the holidays are not connected with such ‘attractions’ as let’s say diving with sharks, all inclusive food or at least a survival camp with Indians in Amazonia, ordinary holiday resorts are not sufficient anymore. It is sad as for me it means an end of our civilization which was always accompanied in the history with overgrown forms … What do you think?

Ale miałam napisać dlaczego lubię greckie wakacje, a nie oddawać się zrzędzeniu;-)
But I was supposed to write wy I like Greek vacations and not to grumble;-)

Otóż na pierwszym miejscu jest ciepłe morze i wspaniałe zabytki starożytności. O zabytkach będzie jeszcze, w tym miejscu skupiam się na morzu, które było na Lesbos nawet wyjątkowo ciepłe jak na czerwiec w Grecji.

First I like warm sea and great ancient remains. I will write about the ancient treasures in another post, now I would like to concentrate on the sea which was on Lesvos even exceptionally warm as for Greece in June.

Kocham też cykady, najpiękniejszy wakacyjny dźwięk na świecie.
I love also cycads, the most beautiful summer sound.

I wreszcie uwielbiam to, że raz do roku nie muszę przestrzegać służbowego dress codu, choć akurat to ja sama go sobie stanowię:)

And finally I love that once a year I do not have to obey professional dress code, but to be honest I always decide what I wear;)

Oby Wasz i mój weekend był równie pogodny!
Let your and mine weekend be sunny! 

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52 komentarze:

  1. The scenery is beautiful. Blue must be the Greeks favorite color.

  2. Lucky you! So pretty these pictures! Am in Bikini mood too, but no sun here ;) Must get to greece!

  3. Marzy mi sie taki klimat jak u Ciebie na zdjeciach. A figure masz super!!!

  4. You look very beautiful in your swim suit, Ola! It must be very nice to vacation in a warm land filled with crystal clear waters, good food and friendly people. I hope to visit Greece one day.

  5. Ja bym dużo dał, aby właśnie w takiej miejscowości spędzić wakacje. Jeżeli jeszcze w okolicy są miejscowości z ciekawymi zabytkami to już będzie szczyt marzeń.

    PS. Zdjęcie w bikini robi wrażenie ;-)

  6. I can tell, that you like Greece so much...
    Me for my taste... I am in love with the sound of cicada...
    Hugs from Athens!!!!

  7. Hi Ola! It seems that everybody is on holidays... Here it’s true, but someone has to stay... ;)

    It looks like you had the whole beach only for you...

    Blogtrotter Two is preparing to leave St. Florent. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

  8. Dziękuję za miłe słowa. Wkraj-o zabytkach wkrotce
    thank you for all nice words. Actually bikini must stay home-in Poland it is stormy and rainy again:(

  9. Cicadas can be an anesthetic and put you in a deep sleep, don't they?
    You look wonderful as the Woman in White. As the Woman in Purple too!

  10. Yet another holiday, it is getting sunnier every time.

  11. Nice photos, Ola, your own photo particularly. I love the way the tree looks like paint strokes, and the round tower too. Such a beautiful place.

  12. po takich zdjęciach musi byc słonecznie :) pozdrawiam

  13. no i było słonecznie!:)
    thank you all!

  14. Lucky you .That looks like an amazing vacation .And you look so beautiful in both the pictures .Enjoy a beautiful Sunday tomorrow Ola :):)

  15. You go girl! What a pretty, breezy summer skirt you have on there. You look so great! Yay for summer!

    Lovely travelog, Ola. The other day I thought of you... I wore a flowered blouse! :D

  16. am glad that you do carry only happy memories.

    please have you all a wonderful sunday.

  17. These photos are just killing me! So gorgeous!!!


  18. I love the bright sunny climate, and the beautiful colors, especially the blues and whites. I can see why you love Greece so much!

  19. Allison, this weekend was so sunny here, I could also wear again summer colorful cloths:)
    Thank you everybody for your nice comments!

  20. I can see why you'd want to vacation in Greece, it's stunning! The scenery is amazing. I love the bold colors in the first photo, everything is so rich in color... the water, trees, beach and you in your purple swim suit! You look stunning! I don't know how you stay so thin, all the fabulous food you indulge in and share with us here... what's the secret? ;-)

    Have a wonderful week, now I'm off to see how much it is to spend a few weeks in Greece! Never mind the tourist traps, I want to go to secluded beaches and small towns that are rich in personality!

  21. Darlin-the recipe is simple-as I wrote: 3 times a week spinning, 1 swimmin, 1 body balance:))) Ok-i do not like diets so I try to move myself as much as possible:)

    If you really want to go to Greece the only issue would be the tickets, I guess, because the prices wennt down due to the crisis, we stayed in apartments 35 Euro a day- 3 years ago it would have cost not less than 90-100 Euro

  22. What's NOT to like about Greek vacations? Beautiful place and wonderful food! I want to go back.

  23. Great walk under the sun...
    Enjoy your vacation !


  24. awesome pics ola...have a wonderful time :)

  25. Ja też tego nie rozumiem... mam wystaraczająco stresu w życiu, żeby jeszcze z rekinami nurkować... ;D
    A cykady też uroczo przygrywają w Chorwacji :)

    P.S. Olu ;) najcześciej właśnie taki mam sposób na spanie... nad książką :) ale czasem sobie źle wyliczę... i jezscze trochę leżę... i wtedy liczę drzwi ;p

  26. You are in an excellent shape :) Greek holidays sound exciting. I always remember my own trip to Greece many years ago. They bring such pleasant feelings.

  27. You're making feel so jealous about your Greek holiday!
    I really wanna have another great time in Greece.
    Maybe will go to Rhodes, so I can also visit Turkey at the same time. ;)

  28. London Caller- Rhodes is one of my favourites, if you have such a possibility, just go!

  29. terrific shots, ola - esp the one of you rocking that purple bikini!!

    i'm with bitch, who commented on how much she loves the sound of cicadas......thanks for bringing me back to my beloved hellas....

  30. love love love greece..and u look lovely in the white top and skirt!!!!....

  31. Amazing pictures and stunning in your purple bikini!!

  32. What a super vacation!
    Your choice of clothing excellent!
    Greetings from New York.

  33. you are all very nice!thank you!

  34. you go in the most interesting places.

    You look great in your swimsuit. you're definitely enjoying the summer season.

  35. Podoba mi sie sposob w jaki opisujesz!!! Pieknie, pozytywnie i z radoscia z nowych wrazen! Figure masz BOSKA !!!!

  36. Gorgeous photos, Ola. And you look beautiful in your swimsuit! I'm jealous. ;)

  37. Juz wiadomo gdzie bedzie mozna cie spotkac w nastepnym roku:)
    Grecja jest ciekawa pod wzgledem zabytkow i ma piekne plaze, trudno sie nia znudzic.
    Jesli wakacje w Grecji sprawily, ze masz taka figure to ja jade natychmiast:)))

  38. Dziewczyny, bo się zawstydzę:)

  39. Ola, you look stunning in the pictures! Both white and purple colors suit you.

    Grek islands are very popular vacation spots for tourists from central and northern Europe looking for fine beaches, blue crystal waters, warming sun, tasty food, friendly locals, interesting architecture.

    Glad you were one of these lucky tourists that had a wonderful vacation.

  40. Nice weather and great photos, it's been raining all day today here so this read was a good antidote.

  41. With a figure like that you can wear what you like. Try as I might, and I am not overweight, I can not get a flat tum like that even with exercise :-( Diane

  42. Hi Ola! So, We, The People who are not in holidays, keep the blogosphere alive... ;)
    Blogtrotter Two just crossed Corsica from North to South. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!

  43. I witaj na swoim blogu. Jak tu miło, znajomo, grecko :)

  44. Ola that's an amazing price for an apartment, it's only $49 Canadian. We can't even get a decent hotel for a night here for that amount of money! Maybe one day I will travel to Greece, now it is almost time to return to school so that I can get a job after this degree and save my money to travel! Enjoy your day!

  45. Greece has everything for holidays: sun, culture, beaches... I was there in june several years ago. I want come back but spring maybe, because of the hot weather.
    kss from Lituania

  46. U nas deszczowe lato a u ciebie takie piękne słoneczko na zdjęciach ... Aż chce się tam być ...
    Pisz, pisz o Grecji,bo ona jeszcze przede mną, a jest na mojej liście :)

  47. Free from dress code... I say go! You look stunning in swim wear! What a superb body you have, dear:)

  48. Monia, o Grecji na pewno jeszcze będzie:)
    Girls, you are so kind!

  49. The water looks warm and turquoise, just the way I like it. Glad you enjoy exercising and staying fit. I need to visit Greece one day.

  50. So right on every account! That Greek blue...! You are very special to understand what a holiday should be...

  51. Gosh, it looks stunning there. Very restful. What a pity the spa facilities closed down.


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