Odrobina kultury tym razem/A bit of culture this time:)

Aby nie poprzestawać na wspomnieniach z Lesbos ograniczających się do tematyki plażowej, dziś postanowiłam zaprezentować zabytki związane z wykopaliskami archeologicznymi na tej wyspie.

In order not to limit my memories from Lesvos to the beach, today I would like to present some antiquities from archeological sites located on the island.

Obok miejscowości, z której zdjęcia prezentowałam w ostatnim poście, znajdują się największe na wyspie wykopaliska w Thermi.

Close to the town I presented in the last post, there is the biggest archeological site in Thermi.

Jeśli ktoś szuka klasycznych widoków z pocztówek Greckich, to jest rzędu białych kolumn, może poczuć się zawiedzionym.

If someone is looking for classic views from Greek postcards, like a row of white columns, may feel disappointed.

Thermi to stare grodzisko z czasów epoki brązu. Starożytne miasto wykopała brytyjska archeolog w 1933 roku, obecnie można rzucić okiem na mury domostw, piec do wypiekania ceramiki i dziwne kopczyki, chyba można powiedzieć, że grobowce? Amanda, liczę na podpowiedź!:)

Thermi is an old town dating back to the Bronze Age. The ancient town was excavated by a British archeologist in 1933. You can see there some walls of the houses, an oven to make pottery and strange mounds, probably graves. Amanda, please comment on that mounds!:)

Dla tych, którzy nudzą się na wykopaliskach pozostaje ładny widok na morze, gdyż położone są one na klifie tuż nad wodą...

For those who are bored with archeological sites, there is a nice view over the sea, as the site is located straight on the cliff close to water...

...bądź podziwianie kwiatków;)
...or admiring flowers:)

Miłośnikom starożytności polecam wizytę w Muzeum Archeologicznym w stolicy.

I recommend to those who like ancient times visiting the Archeological Museum located in the capital.

Mnie zaimponowały najbardziej pięknie zachowane mozaiki rzymskie.

I was most impressed by well preserved Roman mosaics.

Niestety zdjęcia nie oddają ich całej urody, zwłaszcza, że w pomieszczeniach było dość ciemno.

Unfortunately the pictures don’t show their beauty, especially because it was dark in the museum.

Podobają mi się te morskie stwory.
I liked the sea creatures.

Wczesna sztuka grecka
Early Greek art

I sztuka rzymska
And Roman art

Oryginalnie dekorowana waza
Oryginally decorated vase

Muzeum otacza ogród z rzeźbami.
Museum is surrounded by a garden with sculptures.

Życzę udanego tygodnia!
Have a nice week!

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50 komentarzy:

  1. Isn't it amazing how old everything is!? I love the Roman floors...such workmanship. and you know what - it lasts forever!

  2. Bardzo ciekawie opisane.Zdjecia uzupelniaja wszystko :)

    PS. Przez przypadek usunelam Twoj komentarz z Mikolajek. Publikowalam przez komorke i tak wyszlo. Sorki.

  3. I've always been amazed at the beauty and workmanship of the mosaics.

  4. Superb mosaics, there is one depicting the zodiac signs.

  5. Monia, nic się nie stało:) w wolnej chwili skomentuję jeszcze raz

  6. The photo of "Roman art" is adorable. I know they are not meant to be, but they look like tiny people. :)

  7. The Roman Mosaics are beautiful.Looks like a place that i would love to visit .History fascinates me .

  8. Allison, I guess the stones ale supposed to look so:)

  9. I like the mosaics. They're intricately put together.

  10. Thank you for another post about this beautiful country. For me, it's really special.

  11. So pretty these archeological sites. I feel inspired by things like this. Would love to see greece one day! Have a lovely week Ola!

  12. Odkrywasz przede mną kolejną wyspę. Cieszy mnie to bardzo. Pozdrawiam.

  13. No tak, wypoczynek -wypoczynkiem, ale czasem trzeba cos zobaczyc, zajrzec do jakiejs dziry w ziemi, albo tylko wystawy obejrzec :)
    Ciekawe i niezwykle jak wszystko co zrobili nasi hmmm niedokladnie nasi ale... niech bedzie, Przodkowie... ach w koncu stamtad wszystko do nas przyszlo...

    Pozdrawiam :)

  14. Hi Ola,

    Must have been really interesting visiting the archeological site and so old dating back to the Bronze age.
    The mosaics are lovely.
    Thanks for sharing and I hope you have a wonderful week


  15. Tutto molto bello,amo la storia!
    Belle foto e mosaici stupendi!
    Ciao Ola,buona serata!!

  16. Ciekawe odkrywki, szczególnie te mozaiki. Ładne miejsce na wypoczynek i zwiedzanie.

  17. Amazing that these pieces have remained intact over so many years. How fortunate you are to view them in person. Beautiful! :)

  18. Those are travels I love, culture and more culture.

  19. Wildrose, szkoda w sumie, że po naszych bezpośrednich przodkach nie za wiele zostało...

    Thank you!

  20. I LOVE the mosaics! What a wonderful country you visited, the more you share here, the more I'd love to visit Greece one day! And a wonderful week to you as well.

  21. Darlin - think about it, seriously:)

  22. That Early Greek art looks like really modern. It is like if we were going in a circle :-)

  23. Dla mnie to wakacje, czuję ciepło i ten specyficzny klimat "zwiedzacza". Pozdrawiam

  24. Ola.
    So many lovely words about a country I love!!
    Have you visited the Archeological museum in Athens? It is a visit worth!!!

  25. Wow! How fascinating to visit an archeological site!!!


  26. I do enjoy learning the history of a place I visit and Greece has a wealth of ancient history. I would love to visit the museum and learn more. What a wonderful discovery these ruins in Thermi were!

  27. Bitch, yes I have but I think I need to revisit it someday-one day was not enoough to spend there

  28. Te miejsca choc mocno zdewastowane czasem i ludzmi robia wrazenie jak sie pomysli ile lat mają.!!.tylko upały przeszkadzają w zwiedzaniu..:(( Pozdrawiam..piękna wycieczka.

  29. I am fascinated by archaeology! When I was young, I wanted to discover new civilizations. But alas, my math and science skills were not suitable for archaeology. Luckily I can take nice pictures instead :^) Wonderful post today!

  30. Archeological sites and museums are always fascinant places.
    I like to contemplate ancient ruins and findings.

    Your pictures from Thermi are a wonderful display of some very impressive items: vases, mosaics, sculptures. Thanks for sharing.

  31. You can see ancient sites, monuments, so easily in Greece.
    I remember when I went to Cracow. I saw a lot of churches and cathedrals! I visited so many of them.

    Just got back from a short break in France.

  32. I'm fascinated as to how well the mosaics are preserved.

  33. Lubie wycieczki po muzeach archeologicznych, sztuka rzymska jest bliska memu sercu.

  34. lovely and interesting post full of cultural information

  35. Bardzo dziękuję za wszystkie komentarze! Thanks for all comments!

  36. I love those mosaics. And the early Greek art looks like stone ghosts to me.

  37. I love those mosaics. And the early Greek art looks like stone ghosts to me.

  38. Your posts are always so rich and well presented with beautiful pictures!!

  39. Great photos! I am not disappointed by lack of boring, traditional columns. I like your photos if the archaeological site, the beautiful mosaics and the artefacts too. It must have been very interesting!

  40. I would have loved to have been the archeologist to have discovered that site - just spectaular. Looks like a great vacation!

  41. beautiful post, ola! reminds me of what i did all summer!

  42. Hi Ola! Those mosaics are absolutely stunning!!

    The present post at Blogtrotter Two shows two wonders in Corsica: the views from Le Goeland Hotel room 15 and the Bocche di Bonifacio! Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!

  43. Ola if I ever get the opportunity to travel to Greece you're the first person I'll consult! :) Have a fantastic day!

  44. How beautiful!! Thank you for transporting me!

  45. Very interesting from ancient cultures.
    But, sorry for Greece these times...


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