Podróż kulinarna do Turcji / Culinary trip to Turkey

Staram się z reguły, by co drugi post dotyczył naszych podróży. Tym razem jednak podróż będzie miała charakter wyłącznie kulinarny. Chcieliśmy się na chwilę oderwać od zwyczajnego życia i namówieni przez naszą blogową koleżankę Ajkę udaliśmy się razem do tureckiej restauracji Maho. Dużym plusem tego przybytku jest jego absolutnie nowoczesny i nierustykalny charakter – żadnych fajek wodnych, kobierców czy innych tego typu gadżetów.

I usually try that each second post would refer to our trips. This time the trip is solely of a culinary character. We wanted just for a moment to take off from an every day life and encouraged by our blog friend Ajka we visited together a Turkish restaurant called “Maho”. A big plus of this place is that it is absolutely modern and not at all rustic – no water pipes, carpets or other gadgets of this character.

Powyżej smaczna zupa z czerwonej soczewicy a poniżej tradycyjne i poprawne tzatziki
Above tasty red lentil soup and underneath traditional and quite good tzatziki

Pide z mielonym mięsem jagnięco – cielęcym, mój wybór, smaczne, polecam!
Pide with minced lamb and veal meat – my choice, very good, I can recommend it!

Poniżej wybór Ajki, niewątpliwie jakieś kotleciki, dokładnie nie pamiętam:)
Underneath Ajka’s choice, some kind of steaks but I do not remember exactly:)

A na koniec niestety porażka – szef kuchni polecał baraninę, na którą zdecydował się mój mąż, niestety zupełnie niedoprawiona i zimna i z dużą dozą prawdopodobieństwa była to cielęcina….

And here at the end an ignominious failure – a chief was recommending lamb meat which my husband decided to chose – unfortunately it was not spiced and it was too cold, additionally, with a high probability, I can say it was veal…

Słowem mam mocno mieszane uczucia, zwłaszcza, że znów zabrakło baklavy! To już jakaś klątwa, kolejna restauracja, w której baklava jest tylko w menu!

Summarizing I have mixed feelings about it, especially that again they ran out of baklava! It some kind of a curse, another restaurant in which baklava is only in menu!

Na koniec jeszcze zdjęcie z wesela, na którym ostatnio byliśmy.
Zdjęciem tym żegnamy się na jakiś czas bo wkrótce zaczynają się nam znów mini wakacje!

And at the end a photo from a wedding party which we have attended lately.
With this photo we say good bye for some time as we begin short holidays again!

50 komentarzy:

  1. Some of these Turkish dishes reminds
    me also as they serve here in Greece.
    Wish you very relaxing holidays and
    come back safe!!!!!

  2. No proszę jak ślicznie :).
    Tak , tzatziki wyglądaja dobrze ! Czasami mozna dostać cuda zamiast tej prostej sałatki , tak samo jest z grecka !
    A zt a baraniną vel cielęcina - to chyba kelner chciał Was zrobić w Barana - a wy nie zrozumieliście ! :) Serdecznie Pozdrawiam , i ja za chwile mam mini wakacje :)

  3. tak, tzatziki to był klasyk więc na plus, rzeczywiście, z tym żarcikiem możesz mieć rację:)
    Bitch - you are right, so much in common in case of cooking:)

  4. Wow, lovely food, I wish I was there. I'll make a note of the restaurant, for a visit! It's an unlikely excuse for visiting Poland, but I've seen worse excuses for doing things :-)

  5. Mnie przede wszystkim rozczarował brak kilku kartek w menu z ciepłymi przystawkami które widziałam na stronie internetowej i miałam ochotę :( Ale podobał mi się wystrój i zapach oraz powitalna herbatka. A moje danie to grillowane kotleciki mięsne ze zmieszanego mięsa cielęco-jagnięcego z tureckim serem kashar. A tzaziki tureckie to cacik ;) Mi sie w Maho podobało, ale żałuję, że bez deseru! :(

  6. Ajka, sorry za nazewnictwo, ale bardziej jakoś podchodzi mi z kuchni greckiej zawsze na myśl. Zatem co osoba to odczucia:) A tak, różnica między menu internetowym a realnym była rzeczywiście wkurzająca:)

  7. I've never eaten turkey food. I´ve got the idea that it's so much spicy. Anyway, the meals you show us look great!

  8. The pie with mincemeat is very good indeed ; It's called, I think, 'lahmagiun' and in the Middle East, it's a popular sort of fast dish.
    The food pictures in your post are, I must say, very inviting.

    Have a safe and enjoyable vacation!

  9. Interesting gastronomy featured here. I was actually curious with the lentil soup you featured here, as it looks like the Indian staple - "dhal".

    Have a safe and pleasant holiday! Bring back with lots of those beautiful photos.

  10. As I am a vegetarian, I don't like the food, but, you did. A nice wedding anniversary to somebody.

  11. Duta, I guess because people was travelling so much, everything has mixed and the cooking in this area is very similiar
    Eye in the sky-very probable it may be something similiar-this would also confirm that the nations were traveling and mixing or exchanging ideas:)

  12. Hmmmmm, i love good turkish or middle eastern food like this - you post made me hungry! And gave me an idea, what to cook this weekend!

  13. First of all, you two are such a handsome couple. I love that last photo of you. :)

    I like the veal in the bread idea. Only, I would probably substitute ground beef or steak.

    Thank you for taking us along on your trip to Turkey, Ola. Loved it!

  14. Dziękuje za dołączenie do ,,obserwatorium" ..:)) Ja im więcej mam lat , to zaglądam gdzie mogę i słucham opowiesci innych ...to tak w skrócie !
    A wasze wędrówki kulinarne są dla mnie bardzo przystępne , ciekawe , więc będę śledzić wiernie..Za dwa tygodnie jestem w Bieszczadach - zobaczymy co tam znajdę . Pozdrawiam :)

  15. Good food keeps body, mind and soul together. Please have you all a good time.

  16. Looks good .Being a vegetarian does restrict me from trying out many local delicacies of the area that i travel but fortunately i do manage to find something good veg stuff to eat.

  17. Looks good .Being a vegetarian does restrict me from trying out many local delicacies of the area that i travel but fortunately i do manage to find something good veg stuff to eat.

  18. Food is a big focus on all my trips.

    Enjoy your holiday!

  19. you are so lucky to do a trip like that, it sounds amazing!

  20. Everything seems so tasty, as usual! And u look really well on that blue dress!

    Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment


  21. Jak ja lubię pide. Dawno nie robiłam, a po obejrzeniu Twoich zdjęć nabrałam wielkiej ochoty.

  22. Io, ja nigdy nie robiłam, a z chęcią bym spróbowała:)
    thank you all!
    I hope you are enjoying your Sunday!

  23. The food and its presentation look fantatic!

  24. Hi Ola,

    I love seeing your photographs of your holiday destinations and the food you eat. The photo of you two at the wedding is lovely.
    Have a wonderful holiday


  25. Still at work, actually, today:)

  26. How lucky you are to live adjacent to so many countries! I you want Greek - you can easily make your way to Greece... etc. Well, more so than I anyway! Hmm, Mexico is just south of me... perhaps Mexican for dinner!


  27. Looking great in the last photo! And I love this shade of blue.

  28. That pie look interesting! You have to get some baklava, somehow!

  29. Susu, I guess I will have to start to make it myself:)

  30. Some of the dishes look delicious, but not what your husband chose. Your pizza looking dish and the lentil soup look good.

  31. Sonia, I share your view!:)

  32. The lentil soup looked very good, Ola. Too bad the rest of the meal was a disappointment :(

    Have a wonderful time on your holiday! I look forward to seeing where you travel next.

    PS: The red sculpture on my blog is not toamtoes ..I smiled at that description, though, as it does look like melting tomatoes :)

  33. Thanks for stopping by my corner of the world. The Turkish food, of course, is similar to what we get here. I've eaten lots of tzaziki since I have a Greek friend who used to live here and would make it all the time. Love it! I visited her in Greece several years ago when they had the summer heatwave. :/ Hope all is well with you. Best wishes, Tammy

  34. Oh love tsatsiki! and lentils soup!!! yummy!!!

  35. such a cute picture of you ola!!

    and i love the red lentil soup.....now that winter is approaching would love to have that recipe!


  36. i want to try them all. They all look delicious!

  37. Amanda, I think it is easy-just some broth, vegetables, tomatoes and lentil well cooked + spices:)

  38. You make such an elegant couple, Ola! Have a lovely holiday!

  39. I am always willing to try new foods and a lot of these dishes here are a bit unusual to me. Great food and photos make a nice holiday alongside all the other expectations. Nice post .... now i must go and look for something to eat in the fridge !!

  40. It's nearly 12 am here in Malaysia.
    You made me so hungry...
    I love both Greek and Turkish food.
    I still cannot tell them apart.

    PS: Yes, I am having my holiday in Malaysia at the moment.

  41. I love it when people post about their own neighbourhoods too, so we can see how the world looks with you. So I appreciate this culinary excursion! Your meal looks stunning and I am glad that you made a good choice. I don't think it is acceptable that they served your husband cold, unspiced meat, yuck!

    Enjoy your holiday!

  42. Pide z jagnięcina wygląda apetycznie:). Mialam dawno już napisać,ale gdzies mi umknął komentarz - masz rewelacyjne nogi!!!:)

  43. Kolejny raz próbuję wstawić u Ciebie komentarz , może tym razem się uda ? Pide z mielonym mięsem wygląda baardzo apetycznie. I już dawno miałam napisać, że masz rewelacyjne nogi!!

  44. I enjoyed the herbs in their dishes and did you pick up any Turkish delight?

  45. Kachna, przepraszam, ale nie miałam dostępu do Internetu, żeby publikować.
    Shionge, welcome back!!!

  46. Fantastic Autumn report.

    Wish you all a great holiday;-)

  47. I love your blue dress, you look amazing!

  48. I love your blue dress, you look amazing!

  49. I remember my trip to Turkey ) That was really fantastic ) And cuisine was so delicious ) So spisy and bright ))


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