Spacerkiem po Santa Cruz - cz. II/Walking in Santa Cruz - part II

Dzisiejszy post miał być zupełnie o czymś innym, ale okazało się, że musiałam zostać w domu, złożona przeziębieniem, a aparat fotograficzny ze zdjęciami do wykorzystania leży sobie najspokojniej w pracy.

Today’s post was supposed to be about different issues but I had to stay home with cold and my camera, with pictures that I wanted to use, is left at work.

Publikuję zatem to, co mam pod ręką, a zatem ostatni spacer po Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

I am using what I have on my laptop, so this is again the last walk in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Plaza de Espagna – monumentalny plac z gigantyczną fontanną i memoriałem – wszystko razem ponad 5 tysięcy metrów kwadratowych, w tym wielka sadzawka. Nie dziwię się jednak już jego rozmiarom, w końcu powstał na miejscu dawnej twierdzy.

Plaza de Espagna – monumental square with giant fountain and a memorial – everything in common approximately 5,000 square meters, including big pond. I am not surprised with its size anymore because I read that it was built on a place where a big fortress used to be located.

Nad placem góruje niezbyt urodziwy ale na pewno znów monumentalny pomnik poległych w wojnie domowej.

The square is dominated with a not very pretty but surely again giant monument in honor of the killed in the civil war in Spain.

Nie wiem jak wygląda drzewo kauczukowe, ale podobno Plaza de San Francisco jest nimi obsadzona, może więc to właśnie jest ten gatunek:-)

I do not know how rubber tree looks like but Plaza de San Francisco is planted with them, so maybe this is it;-)

Nad Plaza de San Francisco góruje wieża kościoła pod takim samym wezwaniem. Jest to podobno najstarszy kościół stolicy wyspy, na nas zrobił jednak dość przygnębiające wrażenie – zamknięty na trzy spusty, chociaż na chwilę udało nam się wejść, a przede wszystkim położony w dość zaniedbanej okolicy.

A big tower of the old church San Francisco dominates Plaza de San Francisco. It looked a bit depressing, closed but we managed to get in and it is located in a not well maintained part of the city.


Takie zdobienia nieodłącznie kojarzą mi się z jednym z filmów z Louis de Funesem;-)
Such decorations remind me about one of the movies with Louis de Funes;-)

Miasto może się pochwalić nowoczesną biblioteką.
The city can be proud about its modern library.

Jedną z większych, żyjących atrakcji miasta jest Mercado de Nuestra Senora de Africa.

One of the biggest attractions of the city is Mercado de Nuestra Senora de Africa.

Fantastyczna hala targowa, w której kupić można wszystko do jedzenia, zarówno na miejscu jak i do przyrządzania w domu.

A fantastic market hall in which you can buy any kind of food, to be eaten here or to prepare at home.

Przy tym warunki estetyczne, ładne otoczenie, zadowoleni z życia ludzie.

Aesthetic interiors and happy people.

Jako zwolennicy żywienia się w nieturystycznych przybytkach odwiedziliśmy jeden z barków, gdzie pożywiali się i popijali tutejsi taksówkarze. Porcyjki nieduże, ale smaczne, atmosfera miła.

As fans of eating in places not for tourists we visited one of the bars in which local taxi – drivers had their meals and drinks. Portions were not too big but they were tasty and served in a nice, almost familiar, atmosphere.

Bardzo zasmakowały nam żeberka w sosie ziołowym, a także potrawa z ryb.
We liked ribs in herb sauce and a fish dish.

Najbardziej jednak zakąska podawana do piwa – myślałam na początku, że to suszona ośmiornica, okazało się jednak, po bliższym rozsmakowaniu się w potrawie, że to słoninaJ I jeszcze raz potwierdził się stereotyp, że „sało” dla Słowianina to najlepszy przysmakJ
Most of all we liked a snack served with a beer. At first I thought it is a dried octopus but then it came out that it was pork fatJ And once again a stereotype that Slavs like pork fat was confirmedJ

Nad oceanem można podziwiać małą twierdzę.

A small fortress can be admired at the ocean.

Koło stacji autobusów znajduje się także budynek Auditorio – tutejszej opery w kształcie żaglowca. Wybudowany w 2003 roku, miał pewnie stanowić konkurencję dla opery w Sidney.

Close to the bus station there is an object of Auditorio – a local opera in a shape of a galleon. It was built in 2003, supposing as a competition for opera in Sidney.

Obok budynku znajduje się kolejne dzieło Cesare Manrique – park wodny z ruchomymi rzeźbami, napędzanymi wiatrem.

Close to the building there is another monument made by the local artist Cesare Manrique – an aqua park with wind – powered moving sculptures.

Nie widziałam dotychczas kwitnących palm.

I haven’t seen a blooming palm before.

Auditotio od strony morza bardziej przypominało wielki tyłek niż szacowny statek;-)

Auditorio from the sea side was reminding more a big bottom than a noble ship;-)

Mamy nadzieję tu kiedyś wrócić!
We hope to return there one day!

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35 komentarzy:

  1. I don't mind at all this last walk :)
    The images again are beautiful!
    Hope our days soon will be filled with blue skies and sunshine!
    I like that kind of food as well :))
    Hope you will feel better soon!
    Have a lovely weekend :)

  2. My husband and I hope to go back to tenerife next winter. Thanks for all the great recommandations in your blog :-)

  3. I hope you're feeling better soon, I too have come down with this head cold so I can relate.

    Your photos are amazing. I love the color of the buildings in the first photo, I think it was the first shot with the multicolored front. And pork fat? ewwww is about all I have to say to that! lol That fountain looks huge, most likely cause it is!

    I enjoyed going on your walk with you, thanks for having me tag along! I hope your feeling better in time to enjoy at least a part of the weekend, cheers!

  4. Hope you feel better soon, Ola.

    These are great photographs and you know so much about the area.

    I think the "palm" might be a yucca plant? Looks like one to me.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. Do you like Louis de Funes, too? My husband thinks he's so funny. What about Gad Elmaleh? If you speak French, he is a MUST SEE.

    Great pictures and a nice walk through a warmer climate. Hugs!

  6. Thanks, today I am much better:)
    Nancy, you must be probably right-so this is the first time I saw yuka blooming:)
    Allison-I love this little guy::)

  7. Z pewnoscia wrocisz jeszcze do tego miejsca, jesli tylko zechcesz, ja tez bym chciala zobaczyc tamten swiat.
    I takiego blekitu nieba i takich wokol zielonych miejsc sobie zycze :)

  8. It is really fantastic, starting with a blue boat, and forever.

  9. Hi Ola! Great to read you're feeling better!!
    Amazing shots!! The opera is unbeatable... as a pastiche of the one in Sydney... ;)

    Keen on modern art? Blogtrotter Two has it... Enjoy and have a great weekend. Hopefully sunny!!

  10. Hello Ola! I thought I would come to visit your blog! First, I must say that you are in a country I am in love with but have (sadly) not yet visited..... one day!

    And.... Tenerife....such a gorgeous place! Thank you for the wonderful photos! It is cold and raining here in San Francisco - so your pictures warmed me!!!


    ♥ Robin ♥

  11. Your posts have made me wish I was visiitng Tenerife, Ola.

    I had to smile at your pork fat statement. I wonder what sterotype food would they serve N. Americans? Probably junk food :)

  12. Tym razem budynek opery zrobił na mnie największe wrażenie. Co by nie mówić, to jest to miasto kontrastów i każdy znajdzie w nim swoje miejsce.
    Pozdrawiam :)

  13. Very interesting! Thanks for sharing!

    Have e nice day! :-)

  14. Thank you for sharing your tour through the sun-drenched blue-sky warmth and deliciously appealing cultural ... and culinary ... beauty of Santa Cruz!

  15. Some buildings are truly amazing. Beautiful place and great photos! Hugs

  16. Many thanks for you visit to my blog , because i found and i like so much your blog and beautiful photos !!!
    You are allready in my favorites blogs !!
    Greetings from Greece

  17. i love the spanish island! perfect because of good food, weather, shopping... i would like come back soon.

  18. Ja chcę więcej Teneryfy! :) Pamiętaj, że w sobotę jemy po katalońsku!

  19. Ola

    Happy that you are much better, this place is so intriguing, loved all your photo series, when ever you post about Tenerife. I wonder why it is always so enchanting to see a pretty painted or even peeling sun drenched row boat. Your photos are interesting and good composition, love the market place and of course when you do a food editorial -- but I don't think I would eat the pork fat, although I guess it is like bacon or pork rind here, which I don't eat, but many do and say it is very tasty.

    Warm wishes,

  20. Ajka, pamiętam, pamiętam, mam nadzieję, że się zdążę już wychorować:)

  21. Glad to hear you're feeling better Ola. Love the great pics....especially these ribs and fish :).

  22. Thank you for another great and
    beautiful ride...
    Wish you will be soon better!


  24. You make me miss the sun!
    Anyway, I am sure that 's not a rubber tree.
    We used to have a lot of rubber trees in Malaysia.
    So I know how they look like. ;)

  25. Hope you are better Ola and thanks for sharing more photos and indeed very creative to say the least.

    I used to enjoy pork fat too especially the crispy skin but have to hold on and slow down due to ahem....age catches up :)

  26. London Caller-I must search for the runbber tree in the Internet, then

  27. The Auditorio landmark is beautiful. Get well soon.

  28. the architecture is certainly stunning -- but i love the simple details, such as the elegant public tile plaques.

    lovely tour of santa cruz -- thank you ;-)

  29. i wish it's this sunny in scotland! i just came back from berlin and it was unbelievably miserable and cold too!! - so jealous!!


  30. God..have you been all those beautiful places?Very nice photoes:))

  31. Thank you for all nice words:)

  32. Santa Cruz is simply amazing!! And with good weather mostly of the time

    Thanks for stopping by and for your lovely comment


  33. What a gorgeous place and photos you brought for us!
    I am also always envious of your food :D

  34. Thank you for your kind comments...I want to be where you are in these beautiful photos!

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