Spacer w porze lunchu / Walking in the lunch time

Zabieram dziś na spacer po różnych dziwnych miejscach Warszawy. Ponieważ pracuję w centrum, przerwę na lunch niekoniecznie wykorzystuję na konsumpcję, skoro w okolicy jest tyle innych możliwości;-). Czasem muszę coś załatwić, czasem idę na zakupy, a czasem po prostu włóczę się tu i tam, zaglądając w różne zaskakujące zaułki.

I am taking everyone who is interested for a walk to some unusual places in Warsaw. Because I am working in the downtown, I use my lunch break not always for consumption. Sometimes I need to do something, sometimes I go shopping and sometimes I simply wander from one place to another, looking into some surprising lanes.

Na przykład budynek, w którym korzystam z biblioteki publicznej, ale powiem szczerze, że nie miałabym nic przeciwko, żeby w nim zamieszkać:-) Tajemnicze i nieco mroczne dwa podwórka studnie czynią tylną oficynę kamiennicy zaskakująco cichą, zważywszy na lokalizację.

Here is for example a building in which my library is located but I would honestly say that I wouldn’t mind to live there;-) Not many places remained untouched in Warsaw through the II World War and Warsaw uprising in 1944. Two misterious and a little bit gloomy courtyards make the back mansion surprisingly silent, taking into consideration its localization.

Zawsze, kiedy tam wchodzę, zastanawiam się jak się żyje ludziom w takich miejscach, wyobrażam sobie ich mieszkania, kuchnie, co robią. Chyba nie jestem zbyt normalna, choć pewnie niezupełnie w tym odosobniona?:-)

Whenever I visit this place, I began to wonder how people live in such places, I imagine their apartments, kitchens, what they are doing. It’s not very normal, isn’t it?:) At least I am probably not exceptional with this…

Zdjęcia były robione, kiedy padał jeszcze śnieg, ale mam nadzieję, że wiosna jest tuż tuż...
The pictures were taken when it was snowing, but I hope that spring will be here soon...

Trzeba przyznać, że w centrum coraz więcej rzeźb i fasad jest wyremontowanych.
I must admit that more and more sculptures and facades is now being renovated.

Kiedy tak chodzę po mieście i fotografuję, czasami spotykają mnie dziwne spojrzenia przechodniów, jednak jak tu się oprzeć zrobieniu zdjęcia dzika w futrzanej czapeczce z wystawy sklepowej?

When I walk by and make pictures, sometimes I feel that people look at me surprised but how can I resist making a photo of this boar wearing a fur hat, standing at a shop window?

Albo liska-chytruska jak z rosyjskiej baśni ludowej? Kto w ogóle w 2011 roku wpadł na taki pomysł dekoracji?!

Or this fox looking like from a Russian fairy tale?Who in 2011 had such an idea about decorating shop window?!

Jacek myślał, że poniższe zdjęcie jest z wystawy Sephory, na szczęście jednak aż takiej makabreski nie stosują;-)

Jacek thought that it is a Sephora window decoration underneath (a chain drug store with more expensive cosmetics) but they do not use such macabre decorations;-)

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43 komentarze:

  1. I enjoyed this walk!
    One day i need to visit Poland!
    The entrance gate is very pretty
    I will come back later today :)
    Thank you!

  2. Ta stopa to może szewc? Zachęcająco to nie wygląda:).

  3. Nie szewc ale niewatpliwe blisko:) Pierwszy raz jak wpadłam na nią w okolicach Mokotowskiej, aż mnie zamurowało:)

  4. Hahaha, takie wypchane zwierzaki widziałam w Gdańsku, na witrynie sklepu z ... kasami fiskalnymi. Mam nawet zdjęcie, bo szczerze zaniemówiłam na ich widok.

  5. Nieco turpistyczna dekoracja:)kto ma takie pomysły???

  6. Ktoś ma takie hobby po prostu:).

  7. Beautiful photographs Ola. From Downtown Warsaw.
    have a great day.

  8. Beautiful facades on the old buildings and interesting shop windows! Glad you took us along. :)

  9. Enjoyed the tour through your lovely photos!

  10. Thanks for the tour. I love that I get to learn more about Warsaw from your blogs.

  11. Ola, hi
    Many thanks for so beautiful walk in Warsaw !!!
    I like so much this beautiful town !!!
    I have been there many years ago.

  12. A może ta stopa to poradnia ortopedyczna? Wiesz, nie jesteś odosobniona, w tym myśleniu jak ludzie mieszkają, jak żyją w mijanych domach. Ja jeszcze lecąc samolotem patrzę w dół i myślę, czy ktoś teraz patrzy w górę i myśli o tych w górze. I odwrotnie, jak jestem na ziemi i leci samolot, patrzę w górę...

  13. Jak widać z reportażu, to nie trzeba daleko jechać, aby znaleźć coś ekstrawaganckiego. Cieszy,że coraz więcej domów jest ładnie odnowiona z uwypukleniem detali architektonicznych, niestety często tak wygląda tylko fasada budynku, widok od tyłu jest zgoła inny :-(

  14. I think it is wonderful just to walk around , and photograph things you would not normally, thanks for sharing with us .. not sure about the animals though.. take care Anne

  15. so interesting to see your world. ....stuffed animals, and skeletons are very odd window dressing. Who are they trying to appeal to?

  16. I really like when you post pictures of Warsaw, Ola. Your city has so much history and is fascinating to me. Lovely arcades... soon the spring will be here and you can sit in the warm sun on one of your ancient park benches. :)

  17. Magda, I didn't know, would like to know more about your visit!
    Io-coś w tym stylu jak poradnia:)

    yes, I think that the shop windows are exatcly odd, that is why I took those pictures:)

  18. Pretty pictures - i've never been to Warsaw, so, it's interesting to see! Poor little fox though! Have a happy thursday!

  19. Your walk is very unusual (!) and the places you visited in the beautiful Warsaw are quite usual!!

  20. Stunning photos!!

    Thanks for stopping by ;)


  21. Jak miałam zajęcia w centrum, to w przerwach też tylko się plątałam po różnych uliczkach :-) A co do wyobrażania sobie mieszkań innych ludzi - ostatnio byłam w Łodzi. Tam jest tyle pięknych budynków! Tam bym mogła mieszkać.

  22. It was a decision of a day, maybe even hours, whether to move to Athens or to Warsawa.
    A moving entry.
    Thank you for this walk.
    Please have you all a good Friday.

    daily athens

  23. i love the arch pathways. you're always going to interesting places, i wish i am too.

  24. Thank you so much for this wonderful tour Ola it certainly brough back my fond memories when I was in Warsaw (1995) and I bet lots and lots of changes.

    I was wondering if the Sobieski Hotel is still in Warsaw because that is the very hotel I stayed back then.

    I enjoyed this post very much :D

  25. Shionge, yes, it still in Warsaw, I often pass this hotel by:)I guess it's a wholly different city right now, only the Palace of Culture remained:)

  26. A very interesting walk through
    I like your first photo!
    I can see that you never leave
    your camera behind..

  27. Wow, what amazing places to even walk by during your lunch hour. I love the library, it's so regal looking. I can't even imagine being enticed into a shop with those stuffed animals, or especially the one with the skeleton foot in the window, that sort of stuff gives me the creeps!

    You take magnificent photos Ola, and even if we're still both in the snow at least we're not in the middle of a war torn country. I just seen some photos of the children over there and my heart is saddened.

    Enjoy the day, it's a beautiful day even with the snow and cold!

  28. Hi Ola,

    It was wonderful to discover your beautiful blog and meet you and thanks for visiting me.
    Warsaw looks like an amazing place and I loved seeing your photos, thank you. We were just watching a travel documentary show this morning on Poland.

    Happy weekend

  29. I will follow you and would be happy if you want to follow me,


  30. You are not going to believe this:

    I saw a fox on my home two days ago!
    It was resting on the lawn, so tame!!

  31. Beautiful shots!

  32. Great way to spend a lunch hour. That little stuffed fox looks scared.

  33. thanks for the walk + explanations. I´ve enjoy it a lot.

  34. Hi Ola! Interesting walk!! It seems that the weather is already decent enough for someone to venture strolling around time... Maybe it's time for me to go there... ;)

    Nice is nice, don’t you agree? Check it at Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great week!!

  35. Troszkę nie w temacie, ale... zapraszam tu: czeka niespodzianka :)

  36. Thanks for taking us on your walk Ola. Love seeing all the different things.

  37. You are very smart to use your lunch time for walking, and thanks for taking us with you.

  38. That is very smart to use you lunch hour for walking and thanks for taking us along.

  39. i would love to visit this beautiful and historic city one day.

  40. Thank you for the lovely walk around your beautiful city Warsaw. what a wonderful way to spend your lunch-break
    "Adelaide and Beyond"

  41. Ola:

    Your city is fascinating through your camera lens, I too wonder about the people who live in such places - and I have learned to camera my little camera with me. You have some very diverse photo's and they are a joy to see. Well done.
    thank you for the walk through Warsaw.


  42. I really enjoy blog posts like this that show a local area of where someone lives or works. It makes me feel as if I were walking next to you.
    I get funy looks sometimes when I take photos of store windows but I just pretend I am a reporter on assignment ;)


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