Będąc turystą w rodzinnym mieście/Being a tourist in your own city

Do relacji z Tinos jeszcze powrócę, a tymczasem coś w własnego podwórka. Wstyd się przyznać, ale na Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie byłam chyba ostatni raz w czasach szkoły podstawowej, nie licząc kilku może wystaw czasowych w dolnych salach.

I will come back to my memories from Tinos but this time, I am going to show something from Warsaw. Shame to say but last time I visited the King’s Castle I was probably in my primary school, well maybe also I was there to see some temporary exhibitions on the ground level.

Dlatego tez chyba przegapiłam, że Zamek przebył dość dużą transformację, coraz więcej sal jest starannie odnowionych i urządzonych z poszanowaniem detali.

That is why I probably overlooked a big transformation of the Castle, there are more and more rooms diligently renovated and arranged with care about details.

Zamek był doszczętnie spalony i zbombardowany w czasie II Wojny Światowej i odbudowywany przez wiele wiele lat, zaczynając oczywiście od przywrócenia substancji budynku.

The Castle was wholly burned and bombed during the Second World War and was reconstructed for many years, beginning from the substance of the building itself.


Teraz widocznie nadszedł już czas na zadbanie o wnętrza, z czego się ogromnie cieszę.

Now it is probably time to take care about the interiors which makes me happy.

Zapraszam zatem na krótką wycieczkę!
Feel free to join me on this short trip!

Dlatego też dość dużą niespodzianką było dla mnie wkroczenie do pierwszej sali zamkowej – na suficie piękny plafon, ściany wyłożone marmurem.

Beacause of that a big surprise to me was already the first room of the Castle – a beautiful painting on the ceiling, the walls decorated with marble.

Zawsze podobały mi się rzeźby przedstawiające Atlasa.
I always like sculptures representing Atlas.

Królewska sypialnia z zadziwiająco małym i chyba raczej niewygodnym łożem, a raczej łóżeczkiem.

The King’s bedroom with a surprisingly small bed which doesn’t look at all comfortable.

W niedziele wstęp do Zamku jest darmowy, co przyciąga pewnie chętnych do zwiedzanie.

On Sundays there is an entrance free which probably also makes that there is a lot of visitors.

Jeśli komuś opatrzyły się już stylowe wnętrza, zawsze może przyjrzeć się wystawie czasowej – rzeźby Abakanowicz.

If someone got bored already with stylish interiors, you can always visit the temporary exhibition, this time works of Abakanowicz.

Jacek-miłośnik sztuki nowoczesnej:-)
Jacek - fan of modern art;-)

Kiedy jest się na Starówce, wypada gdzieś skonsumować obiad. My w tym celu przemieściliśmy się mimo wszystko na Nowe Miasto do knajpy Freta 33. Różne opinie o tym miejscu słyszałam, według mnie nie jest tam źle.

Visiting the Old Town, it is always good to have a dinner. We decided to go to the New Town to a restaurant called Freta 33. I heard many different opinions about this place, I think it is not that bad at all.

Wystrój jest autorstwa dwóch projektantów, nazwisk w tej chwili sobie nie przypomnę.

The decorations and interiors are made by two designers, I forgot the names unfortunately.

Z sufitu zwisa przykładowo martwa natura, na ścianie znajduje się rower, parasole. Słowem nieco inspiracji z Kantora.

For example a still nature is hanging from the ceiling, there is a bicycle and a lot of umbrellas at the walls. Briefly speaking some inspirations taken from Kantor.

Jako pierwsze danie wybrałam krewetki na soczewicy – krewetki super, gorzej nieco z soczewicą, ponieważ kucharz albo zapomniał ją dogotować, albo celowo była al dente, co jednak w przypadku strączkowych jest chyba nienajlepszym pomysłem.

For the first dish I chose shrimps with lentil. The shrimps were super, a little bit worse idea was the lentil because the cook or forgot to cook it well or it was served al dente purposely, which, in my opinion, was not a good idea.

Jacek, jako mięsożerca, wybrał polędwiczki z cukinią. Spróbowałam-smaczne.

Jacek, as a carnivorous, chose sirloin with zucchini. I tried – good.

Wzięłam coś bardziej nietypowego – penne z suszonym pomidorem, kaczką i porem. Mimo śladowych ilości kaczej piersi, danie bardzo mi smakowało.

I took something more untypical – penne with dried tomatoes, duck and leek. Despite the trace signs of presence of the duck, I liked the dish a lot.

Na Freta 33 dobre są drinki – najlepszy chyba Manhattan Perfect.
They have good cocktails there – the best is Manhattan Perfect.

Deseru spróbowałam tylko ja – tarta cytrynowa bez zarzutu.
I tried also the dessert – lemon cake was faultless.

W mojej ocenie mała frekwencja w knajpie wynika ze zbyt wysokich cen – zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do ilości na talerzu, miejsce można jednak śmiało odwiedzić, jeśli ma się ochotę na eksperyment kulinarny lub oglądanie przechodniów przy dobrym drinku.

In my opinion a small attendance in this restaurant is caused by too high prices, especially comparing with the amount that you get on your plate. You can visit this place if you wish to try a cooking experiment or want to watch passers-by, when you are having a good cocktail.

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48 komentarzy:

  1. I love the hues of the buildings, amongst other things. My nail polish of the moment is on the same caramelly lines! The still nature hanging is awesome;)

  2. The castle is astounding, I love the art on the ceiling. The Kings bed does look rather uncomfortable, it looks more like a day or reading bed, you would think that a King would want luxury and comfort.

    I had to smile at the "art", the legs and feet. That's definitely unique. So is the restaurant unique with the food and wine on the ceiling, that would be a real conversation piece.

    The shrimp looks amazing, as does the sirloin and zucchini.

    Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing your part of the world with us.

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

  3. The major city, it is beautiful.

  4. Great shots. Thanks for the tour :).

  5. It's a beatiful building Ola. Thanks for the excellent photos.

  6. Nie przepadam za sztuka wspolczesna a w dodatku troche abstrakcyjna, wole jednak starocie, ale ten sufit podoba mi sie bardzo!

  7. wszystkie podróże zaczynam od jedzenia, często kończy się to tak, że na zabytki już czasu nie starcza :)

  8. beautiful at all. perfect to visit it and at the end... delicious food jajajaa I adore your blog

  9. I love to act like a tourist in my own city--especially London. I'm adding this castle to my list of things I want to see when I make it to Warsaw. Fascinating place!

  10. What an absolute TREAT to visit your blog!!

  11. Kilka lat minęło, jak zwiedzałem Zamek, ale pamiętam, że zrobił na mnie duże wrażenie. Cóż to tylko dobrze świadczy o naszych specach od prac renowacyjnych. Co do części gastronomicznej, to należę do tej grupy osób, których zabytki tak pochłaniają, że... na wizytę w restauracji nie zawsze znajduję czas.
    Pozdrawiam :)

  12. How fun that you decided to go back and rediscover your city. I would never want to leave that castle -- there must be so much to see. How amazing that it is being restored.

  13. The food looks wonderful! Made me hungry!

  14. Oj ja też dawno nie byłam.... ale wtedy był zakaz fotografowania :)

  15. Ja nawet nie pamiętam kiedy ostatnio byłam w zamku! :)) Zgadzam się co do łóżka - musiało się na nim koszmarnie spać ;| A co do wystroju restauracji, to ja jednak wolę bardziej tradycyjne dekoracje :-) Uściski!

  16. Olu, wpadlam z rewizyta. Bardzo mi sie u ciebie podoba i jesli pozwolisz chetnie bede zagladala czesciej.
    Dzieki, za wycieczke po Zamku Krolewskim nie bylam tam chyba ze sto lat.

    Aranzacja knajpki bardzo fajna, ale dania faktycznie w znikomej ilosci. Przecietny Amerykanin bylby zawiedziony:)

  17. Zawsze miałam ochotę spojrzeć na własne miasto oczami turystki. Ty to robisz. Świetnie.

  18. Thank you very much for this nice journey. Guess would have liked the city much, if moved there.

    Please have you all a good weekend.

    daily athens

  19. I love your presentation!!!
    You make me laugh many times! :)
    The tower is perfect! I've visited many palaces in Europe and all the beds are too small!
    All the Kings were short?:))
    The restoran, very original decoration!
    The dishes, nothing great, gourmet supposedly ....
    Thank you who traveled to your beautiful pictures!!

  20. OLA:

    Thank you for the beautiful tour and again finishing with some fine food and tasty desert and cocktails.

    It makes me very pleased to see Warsaw beautiful architecture being restored.

    My favorite although extremely sad movie --"The Pianist" a 2002 biographical war film directed by Roman Polanski, starring Adrien Brody. It is an adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by Jewish-Polish musician Władysław Szpilman left a very powerful impression on me, I was never able to watch it again although many scenes I still clearly remember.

    Your photo's were lovely,,


  21. Hello Ola .. yes it very interesting when you become a tourist in your own town or city , you see so much more .. and things that you had forgotten were there.

    A very interesting restaurant , not sure I would go, food looked good, but Lentils should not be cooked Al dente, very interesting art work hanging from the ceiling too.. looks fun .. take care Anne

  22. What an interesting tour and with so much history. Your photos are excellent. Take care Dciane

  23. Hi Ola,

    I enjoyed seeing around your home City and yes, sometimes to be a tourist in your own place is a good thing. You see all the beauty there.
    Thanks for taking us along too and the food looks great.

    Happy Sunday

  24. Excellent tour! Thank you very much. The sites were marvelous, I loved the splendid castle and outdoor exhibition, And the food was absolutely delicious :^)

  25. Good for you Jacek! A bit of Swiss chocolate to top off your meal, perhaps? ;)

    I'll take one, no two, of those Manhattans... but will pass on the lentils.

    A beautiful picture of the castle under the archway, Ola.

  26. Hmmm, this food looks so good! Would love to try that lemon cake! But also, the pix of your town are beautiful and well captured. Thanks for that little journey!

  27. Hmmm, this food looks so good! Would love to try that lemon cake! But also, the pix of your town are beautiful and well captured. Thanks for that little journey!

  28. the lemon desert looks lucious!!

  29. I kind of like the upside-down dinner scene. And the shrimp look delicious. But you are right that the tiny bed looks uncomfortable - hardly fit for a king!

  30. What a beautiful palace! That couldn't be a bed but a king's chair, could it?

    And once again, those gastronomic jewels look appetizing enough I'm now suddenly hungry.

  31. It was desrcibed as a bed:)

  32. Absolutely beautiful place and awesome pictures as usual!

  33. thank you for your guided tour!;)
    these photos make me wanna visit warsaw, well, especially the restaurant :D

    I know a feeling that I call "being a tourist in my own city", but in a little different way: from time to time, I wander in the centre of Prague with my camera - feeling like a tourist makes you see so many "new" things you normally miss, even when you pass the place every day.
    PLUS people don't give me weird looks :D

  34. Warsaw has so much to offer!
    I have only been to Cracow.
    I love the city a lot.
    Lovely square in the middle!
    Of course, I also enjoyed your pierogi a lot!! :)

  35. how wonderful to have a castle in your midst! so many amazing sites must make it easy to be a tourist in your own town!

  36. Hi Ola!

    No doubt it's a fantastic place. I remembered visiting a palace in London, named "Hampton Court", a building probably similar in architecture and beauty.

    I wish you a nice day,


  37. dziękuję za wszystkie komentarze!
    Thanks for all comments!

  38. Great photos! The food looks marvelous. I would have gone with the Shrimp and Lentils too.

  39. Dziękuję za komfort jazdy fotel się tam dostać.

  40. the food looks nice!!...
    and some lovely pics of warsaw...well, i donno when i will visit this plc but....u sure make it look tempting in the pics!!

  41. The castle and its ground are just beautiful and the restored rooms give a sense of the splendor that once existed in the courts. The food, however, stole my heart. It really looks wonderful and I'm sure it was as tasty as it is beautiful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary.

  42. Zdrowych i Wesolych Swiat Wielkanocnych zyczy Ataner.

  43. Hi Ola! Wow! Everything looks great!! Loved that still nature...
    But the skies don't look so friendly... ;)

    Sorry for the absence, but one week off means three weeks busy to recover... Blogtrotter Two is around the canals of Amsterdam... Enjoy and have a wonderful Easter weekend!!

  44. Ola:

    Stopping by to see again your beautiful photos of you city and to wish you a happy holiday season.

    Your comment on my blog give me a big smile,


  45. Your photos are so beautiful! Warsaw is such an interesting city. I would love to visit it one day.

  46. these photos are so good, I liked getting a glimpse of that building! and the food...goodness. yum.

  47. and p.s. thank you so much for your super nice comment on my photos :) it made me smile!

  48. what a beautiful castle. that looks like an amazing place to visit. thanks for the mini vacation.


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