Nasz raj na Cykladach - cz. II/ Our paradise on Cycladic Islands - part II

Kiedy po 2 latach patrzę na te zdjęcia, nadal zachwyca mnie koloryt Wysp Cykladzkich. Pewnie są jeszcze bardziej urokliwe miejsca niż Tinos, jednak i ta wyspa ma w sobie niezaprzeczalny czar.

When I am looking at these pictures after 2 years, I am still delighted with the colors of Cycladic Islands. Maybe there are more charming places than Tinos but this island has also a lot of magic.

Plaże na Tinos są raczej kamieniste, morze dość spokojne, a w czerwcu przed upałem chłodziło nas meltemi, które jest charakterystyczne dla tego rejonu.

Beaches on Tinos are rather stony, the sea is quite peaceful and in June we were cooled by meltemi wind which is characteristic for this region.

Poniżej pokazuję wspomniane przeze mnie wcześniej ozdobne gołębniki, które są typowe dla tej wyspy. Jak widać, wyglądają one jak kamieniczki bez okien;-)

Underneath you can see a pigeons’ house about which I have mentioned earlier. They are very characteristic for the island. As you can see, they look like mansions without windows:)

Nadmorski deptak w stolicy miasta zachęca wszystkich do późnopopołudniowych czy wieczornych spacerów.

The seaside promenade in the capital encourages to late afternoon or evening walks.

Prócz gołębników, charakterystycznymi elementami architektury wysypy są wiatraki. Nie sądzę by pełniły jeszcze jakiekolwiek funkcje użytkowe, cieszą jednak oko przechodnia.

Apart from the pigeons’ houses, windmills, are characteristic elements of the architecture of the island. I do not think that they are still being used but they look very pleasant, don’t they?

Nawet mniej uczęszczane dzielnice stolicy mają swoje ładne skwerki, tu akurat poczyniono oszczędność na wodzie;)

Even the less popular districts have pretty parks, here, as you can see, someone economized on water;-)

Jak już wspominałam, wyspa nawiedzana jest przez wielu pielgrzymów, udających się do świątyni Panagia Evangelistria, w której znajduje się cudowna ikona Matki Boskiej, podobno namalowana przez samego świętego Łukasza.

As I have mentioned, the island is visited by many pilgrims, who go to the church of Panagia Evangelistria, in which a miracle icon of the Virgin Mary is located. It is supposes to be painted by saint Lucas.

Niestety nie trafiliśmy na główne obchody, które odbywają się corocznie15 sierpnia, jednak kilkakrotnie byliśmy świadkami, jak pielgrzymi na klęczkach podchodzą pod górę, na której znajduje się świątynia. Na szczęście wzdłuż całej tej trasy położony jest dywan.

Unfortunately we didn’t participate in the main celebration on August 15th, but we saw a few times how the pilgrims are climbing the hill on their knees to reach the church. Luckily the road is covered with carpet.

Miłego długiego weekendu!
Have a nice weekend! (here we have bank holidays until 4 of May)

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53 komentarze:

  1. Summer is almost here!! These pictures make me long for it!

  2. You always look so happy and carefree... at least on vacation! :)

    Really beautiful, Ola. I would have tried to participate in the celebration, too. The country exudes such a sense of warmth - it is inviting.

    Thanks for sharing. And have a wonderful weekend!

  3. There is no other place like the Cycladic Islands..
    No other place with so much blue in the skies and the waters of the Aegean Sea.
    No no other place with so much blinding natural light.

    Thank you for showing our islands at their best with your photographs.

  4. Like Paradise on Earth, indeed! :-)

  5. Faktycznie wyglada jak w raju... ciekawe te golebniki no i niezwykle wiatraki!

  6. I'm so jealous, Ola. Paradise!

    And you look so pretty in these photos. :)

  7. What a beautiful place and your photos are great. Diane

  8. Ola, this island looks like paradise, a place not yet spoilt by tourists. I have been looking a little bit through the rest of your blog too. A lot of interesting places and tips to look around and I am sure there is still a lot more to discover from your world, so I will join your blog right now.
    Thanks for your comments in my blog. And thanks to that I have been able to find about you and your whereabouts!

  9. Nawet nie wiesz ile bym dała za wygrzewanie się teraz na takiej kamiennej plaży :) Mi wiatraki podobają się najbardziej :-) Uściski!

  10. Es un placer pasar por tu blog,
    si te gusta la poesía te invito al mio,
    que tengas un feliz fin de semana.

  11. such a beautiful pics and the colours... as you said are really beautiful. Thanks to share them

  12. Hi Ola! Finally some time to stop by... And what gorgeous pictures you have here! Tinos looks great!! And you too... ;)

    Blogtrotter Two is still strolling in Amsterdam... Enjoy and have a superb weekend!!

  13. Very pretty and interesting tour of the island. Thanks for taking me along.

  14. Hi Ola,

    What a glorious place you had your holiday and loved seeing your photographs. The white of the houses and the blue of the sky and ocean is wonderful.

    Have a happy weekend and enjoy your bank holiday

  15. you really know how to enjoy life!

    Belated Happy Easter

  16. Wonderful collection of images. The settings are so beautiful and bright and colorful! Love the warmth of the photography.

  17. Uwielbiam wiatraki! I kamieniste plaże, są piękne!

  18. Hi Ola .. looks a lovely place to visit, your photos are brilliant , makes us want to be there :-)

  19. Thank you for this wonderful escape.

    Please have you all a good Sunday and new month as well.

    daily athens

  20. how beautiful!!! especially the windmill - so quaint! and i love those smooth beach stones....

    enjoy your holiday!

  21. That does looking like an awesome place to take a vacation. Thanks for sharing Ola.

  22. Loved every single pic! Beautiful place to rest and spend a good time for holidays!


  23. What an amazing weather!! Enjoy!

    Thanks for stopping by and for your comment


  24. Lovely! Would like to be there now! Have a nice monday :)

  25. I heart the pic of you and the wind... and the mill!

  26. dziękuję za wszystkie komentarze!
    Thanks for all comments!

  27. Ola, kocham takie miejsca i zawsze mi malo takich pieknych widokow.
    Fantastycznie pokazalas urok tych cudownych zakatkow.

  28. Nice to remind us in Greece that
    we have all these beautiful gems!!

  29. My dear friend Ola
    Wonterful photos of Tinos!!!
    I'm very glad, that to like the Greece!
    I hope to com some day in Halkidiki!
    Many greetings and kisses

  30. Magda, I hope to visit it someday also!

  31. The photos look like images culled from illustrations of children's fairy tales. :->


  32. Hi Ola (lovely name by the way)- thanks for visiting and for your comments. The photo is of an orange just blossoming and yes the cake was really yummy - it`s grown on me and you should try it! Lovely summery photos - I can feel the sun from here! Have a great day.

  33. seems u had a great time there! :D the beach with white pebbles seems very interesting :D hope u had a great summer there! :D

  34. a beautiful tour you took us on, the sharp contrast of the very white buildings and very blue sea and sky is Glorious. You look so pretty sitting there, and always you photograph very well.

    Happy Spring time ---


  35. Cudowny kolor nieba i moża. Plaża bardzo ciekawa cociaz nie do poleżenia, ale za to wybrało by się coś na skalniaczek.
    Gołębniki mnie zachwyciły.
    pozdrawiam serdecznie

  36. No wonder I love the pictures you take. Lovely and full of brilliantly inspiring colours.

    I wish you a great evening,


  37. Ola tylko mogę Ci pozazdrościć widoków. Piękne miejsce!
    Ale widzę, że Ciebie będę mogła czasami podpytać, czy danie kuchni greckiej jest na pewno greckie :)
    Pozdrawiam :)

  38. the light and water is so beautiful. how fortunate you are to have these islands. the windmill looks so primitive yet functional and it has great photogenic qualities. thanks for sharing your beautiful world Ola!

  39. Spektakularne zdjęcia miejsc i pełne światła .-
    Pozdrowienia .-

  40. Ola

    I wish you and your spouse a lovely May week end.

    Enjoyed a second look at this beautiful Island... maybe next year a good place for a vacation,


  41. The beauties of Greece are even better through your eyes and lovely photos!

  42. i plan to visit greece this year end, you pics and entry inspire me even more.

  43. Wow! What a beautiful place! I would love to go there someday. Great photos!

  44. It does look like paradise! I love the windmill.

  45. The Cyclades look good in your pictures.

    I broke my ankle on the island of Syros and spent a week in their excellent hospital !

  46. what a perfect getaway. your pictures bring back fond memories of Santorini.

  47. Hello. Ola!!
    Thank you for your visit.

    The lovely heart will invite all peace.

    strong HUG, from Japan.

  48. W moich stronach nikt nie jedzie TYLKO na wakacje na Tinos. Pierwszy cel jest Matka Boska, ktorej trzeba za cos podziekowac, albo poprosic...


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