Prawie jak w Miami:-)/Almost like in Miami:-)

W ostatni weekend byliśmy na tragach „Wiatr i woda” w Warszawie. Oczywiście niestety nie w celu, by kupić sobie jacht, ale pooglądać najnowsze piękności;-)

Last weekend we visted „Wind and water” fair in Warsaw. Of course not to buy ourselves a yacht but in order to watch the newest beauties;-)

Na 3 hale wystawiennicze tylko jedna zasługiwała na uwagę. Oprócz jachtów można było kupić sprzęt wędkarski, marynarskie ciuchy a nawet takie gadżety jak świeczki zapachowe, czyli tradycyjne mydło – powidło, co jest dość dziwne, w miejscu, gdzie się sprzedaje z założenia luksus.

From 3 exhibition halls only one disserved attention. Apart from yachts one could buy fishing equipments, marine clothes and even such stuff as scented candles, so traditionally a little bit of everything, which is strange if it is supposed to be a place where luxury is being sold.

Chociaż sobie postoimy koło najnowszych Montereyów;-)
At least we can stand close to the newest Monterey boats;-)

Ok., cena ich jest, przyznam, już bardziej na poziomie dostępności, gdyby chcieć popełnić jakieś szaleństwo finansowe.

OK., I must admit that their price is more at the level of availability if someone just wants to commit some financial madness.

Chaparrale też mi się podobają, nie powiem, może w tym wypadku poza kolorystyką.
I like also Chaparrals, except maybe in this case of the color.

Na targach było mnóstwo gapiów, nie tylko my, choć i tak nie było takiego ścisku i łamania kości, jak rok temu…

Many people just watched the yachts at the exhibition but this year it wasn’t that crowded like the last year.

Nasz jacht właśnie przechodzi face lifting u szkutnika, mam nadzieję, że po zakończeniu tej procedury będzie równie błyszczący…

Our boat is right now undergoing a „face lifting” and I hope that after that it will be also so shiny…

...przynajmniej do czasu, aż go znów poobijam;-) least until I will bump again into something;-)

W weekend ma być już +12 więc przydałoby się zacząć myśleć o sezonie!

During the weekend here the temperature is supposed to be +12 so it is the time to start thinking about the season!

Jak zwykle najładniejszy i najbardziej szykowny obiekt pochodził od producenta Baja. Nawet nie chcę wiedzieć, ile sobie za niego by winszowano, a przede wszystkim ile kosztowałoby jego zatankowanie, zwłaszcza przy aktualnych cenach benzyny. Ale jeśli ktoś kupuje sobie taki jacht, raczej kwestia kosztów benzyny ma wówczas marginalne znaczenie, jak sądzę…

As usually the most beautiful and chic yacht was produced by Baja. I do not even want to know what was its price and most of all what would be the costs of its filling up, especially taking into account the prices of petrol in Europe right now. But if someone buys such a yacht, the issue of petrol has only a marginal meaning I suppose…

Ach, wygrzewać się gdzieś na takim jachcie w słońcu!
Just to lie in the sun on such a yacht somewhere!

Miłego weekendu!
Have a nice weekend!

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36 komentarzy:

  1. It is fun to browse and dream of such things. :)

  2. My son went to the Car Salon in Geneva this week and brought back some fantastic pictures of cars I can't even imagine touching! Luxury has its price - but happiness is free. :D xoxo Great post, thanks!

  3. Ale piekne! Pokaze mezowi to oszaleje :)

  4. Very fit your yacht! to buy it!!

  5. Yep... Miami. My trip there last year was so magical - I'd go back anytime. You look good with the boat;)

  6. I've often thought that having a friend with a boat is better than actually owning a boat!

  7. Isn't it? Especially that then you don't have to pay for fuel:)

  8. Makes you daydream of lazy sunny days "stranded" (on purpose) at sea. I liked the one with the black color. Very sophisticated.

  9. Sorry for this addition: Bwahaha @ "financial madness"!

  10. Hi Ola! If I could afford buying a yacht, let's say like Eclipse, petrol wouldn't be an issue... ;))

    Matisse and Chagall: what a ticket... ;) Confirm it at Blogtrotter Two... Enjoy and have a great weekend!!

  11. Hi Ola

    Those yachts are magnificent! I cna imagine they are so expensive. How much is petrol where you are? In NYC we are paying $3.70 a gallon.

    There is nothing as nice as a boat ride on a beautiful day --I hope you get to go out on yours soon!

  12. Ale cacka, linie niektórych jacht ów przyprawiają o zawrót głowy. Świetnie pokazane, dobre zdjęcia.

  13. Hmmm, wouldn't mind to go on a litttle cruise now - in the Caribbean? Nice dream ;) Have a lovely evening!

  14. we never been to warsaw before [ we love too! ] the exhibition looks very interesting [ but might be a too posh for us haha ] :)

  15. Pat, it is now more than 5 PLN per one liter (1 EUR is app. 4 PLN) - so, after many caluclations, I believe than in the USA it is much cheaper!

  16. Perfect! I love navy style + sailing to the sea.

  17. My son will love to visit this yacht exhibition! Beautiful 'items' and great pictures.

  18. Rozmazylam sie... niesamowite te jachty czy jakkolwiek sie te cacka zwa!
    Pozdrawiam :)

  19. Hi Ola,

    What amazing boats and would be lovely sailing out in the water on them.

    Happy week

  20. Wildrose, można spokojnie mówić o jchatach:)

  21. Fajne te targi, gdzie dokładnie były? :) Jacht to taaaaki wydatek :( Ale i tak, jak pomyślę o opalaniu się na nim, to chciałabym kiedyś kupić :)) Uściski!

  22. hala na Prądzyńskiego:)

  23. If I won the lottery tickets tonight, I want to buy one of these! ;)
    Wish me luck.

  24. London Caller, wish you luck! I have to buy tickets for a lottery also:)

  25. Olu, tez się wybieram na te targi, ale Warszawa taka odległa... To musiała być zachwycająca wycieczka!

  26. It would be hard to choose just one they are all beautiful boats.


  27. those are great looking boats. It must be a good experience to be there.

  28. WoW! Those boats are probably worth more than my house!!!

  29. it's amazing to think that so many people have money to purchase such luxuries in this economic environment!

  30. Such beauties and a funny title. :-)

  31. Thank you for all nice comments!

  32. Hi Ola,

    I used to visit those fairs too, where you can dream of having one of those nice boats and get lost sailing away... life has shown so far the close to impossible thing to get one of the yachts, so I just left visiting those fairs, but I still have the "love" to the yachts you mention.

    Thanks for your visit to my site and it is great to read your blog.

    Greetings from Spain,


  33. Ola:

    Very nice looking yachts, I love going to those shows when they have them here, even though we are only dreaming. I love near the Willamette River and walk my dog there every day and see all the nice sailboats, and yachts, and lived for a short time on a houseboat.

    Enjoy your week end.

  34. To dream or not to dream.. this is
    the question.

    Wish you a dreamy weekend!!!


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