W lesie i w kuchni/In the forrest and in our kitchen
Podróże po Polsce/Polish trips
Ulubione przepisy/Favourite recipes
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Tydzień temu wybraliśmy się na pierwszy wiosenny spacer – 16 kilometrów z Palmir do Wierszy (Puszcza Kampinowska pod Warszawą). Pogoda nas rozpieszczała – słońce, lekki wiaterek, płuca wentylowały się od miejskich spalin w prawdziwej tlenowej kąpieli;-)
Last weekend we went for our first spring walk – 16 kilometers from Palmiry to Wiersze (places located in Kampinos Forrest close to Warsaw). The weather was really spoiling us – the sun, light wind, the lungs were being ventilated from city fumes in this real oxygen bath:-)
Co tu dużo opowiadać, było po prostu super!
Briefely speaking, it was simply super!
O stopniu wiosennego upojenia świadczy chociażby pierwszy raz rozpięta kurtka w tym sezonie:-)
My unzipped jacket for the first time this year speaks about the level of spring intoxication;-)
Celem wycieczki było dotarcie do cmentarza w miejscowości Wiersze. Jest to miejsce pochówku żołnierzy AK Kampinos.
The goal of this walk was a cemetery in the village called Wiersze. This is a place where soldiers of the guerilla troops of Polish State Army were buried in the Second World War.
Przyznam, że moje zainteresowanie historią Polski skupiało się raczej zawsze na 20-leciu międzywojennym, II Wojnę Światową i działania militarne znałam tylko z grubsza. Jednak z tego co udało mi się teraz wyszperać w sieci, partyzantka działała tam do września 44 roku, gdyż wówczas miejscowość została zbombardowana w związku z Powstaniem Warszawskim.
I must admit that my interests in the history of Poland focused always more on the period between the First and the Second World Wars. I had to search in the Internet and I found out that the guerilla troops were located there until September 1944 when this place was bombed in connection with the Warsaw Uprising.
Na cmentarzu znajdują się 54 groby powstańców, ale zebrane zostały też w symboliczną mogiłę prochy z całej Puszczy Kampinowskiej.
There are 54 graves on the cemetery but there are also collected ashes from all the Kampinos Forrest.
Wątpliwe to pocieszenie dla poległych, ale cmentarz jest zadbany i wśród przyrody nie wygląda aż tak przygnębiająco.
It is a doubtful consolation for the people who were buried there but the cemetery is well maintained and it doesn’t look depressing surrounded by beautiful nature.
Niestety w lesie jest wciąż więcej zimy niż wiosny…
Unfortunately there is still more winter than spring in the forest…
A teraz zupełnie o czym innym - przenoszę się do naszej kuchni. Chciałabym się pochwalić pierwszym bochenkiem na zaczynie:) Jacek został naszym domowym specjalistą od pieczenia tradycyjnych chlebów! Takiej ilości rodzajów mąki jaką ostatnio mamy w domu, nie mieliśmy chyba nigdy wcześniej;-)
And now a different issue - we change place and go to our kitchen. We would like o present our first loaf of bread based on leaven:) Jacek is our home specialist in baking traditional breads. We have never had such amount of all kinds of flour before!:)
Thank you for the beautiful tour and history !!!
OdpowiedzUsuńI love so much the home-bred !!!!
Hi Ola! Tonight super full moon, tomorrow spring... What a great weekend!! ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńOK; I know that contemporary art doesn’t take unanimous approval... But some pieces are worth seeing. Check it at Blogtrotter Two, enjoy and have a superb weekend!!
Thank you for this post!
OdpowiedzUsuńI really hope i can visit Poland in the near future..
Wishing you a nice sunday :)
There's rarely something as honest as bread.
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you for this walk. Please have you all a good Sunday.
daily athens
I love finding old cemeteries to visit and photograph. So much history can be discovered.
OdpowiedzUsuńthose are tall trees!
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Ola,
OdpowiedzUsuńI enjoyed seeing where you went out walking and what a lovely forest.
Glad that you could get some fresh air and did not have to wear your jacket zipped up.
Spring is coming!
Enjoy the rest of the weekend
hi@ i managed to get back from japan on time. so glad able to read all the blog i've missed.
OdpowiedzUsuńi ABSOLUTELY love the first pic.... i was hoping to get one similar in japan but didnt manage to, you realised my dream :D
OdpowiedzUsuńYou brought us a breath of springtime with your photo's especially the first. Thank you for the tour and the history of the cemetery. I am fascinated myself with the time period of late 1880's close to turn of the century and just before WW11.
The bread looks delicious.
Have a good Sunday.
You are blessed to have such beautiful weather Ola, the photos you shared are wonderful. We are still covered in snow and I think today's the first day of spring... I'm going to have to check into this, maybe it's not until the 21st but either way, the snow isn't going to disappear within a day or two! lol
OdpowiedzUsuńThe bread looks so good! Did it taste as good as it looks?
Enjoy your week and your glorious spring!
Ja też tydzień temu zaliczyłem pierwszy wiosenny wypad do Ojcowa. Było bardzo przyjemnie.
OdpowiedzUsuńLubie cmentarze wojenne, ładnie wtopione w krajobraz. Mam na blogu jeden post o cmentarzach z I wojny światowej w Beskidzie Niskim. Cieszy to, że w większości te miejsca są obecnie zadbane, chociaż w przeszłości różnie z tym bywało.
No, i gratulacje dla Jacka za ten bochenek chleba. Jestem pełen podziwu.
Wonderful walk today. I enjoyed following you and seeing what you saw. Your images are delightful and tell a good story.
OdpowiedzUsuńAmazing scenery... Lovely pics.
OdpowiedzUsuńCemeteries are sobering places to visit. It's a pretty trail for a hike. Nice photos.
OdpowiedzUsuńYour posts are always so interesting, Ola. An open jacket! Yay! Me, too. But then the temp dropped and today I found myself wearing my thick wool coat again...and boots!
OdpowiedzUsuńGorgeous trees.... like grand ladies posing for the camera! You both look so happy walking the forest paths. Lovely.
Hi Ola
OdpowiedzUsuńThis looked like a wonderul and invigorating walk! I like to visit cemeteries as there is a quiet peacefullness about them.
Jacek's home baked bread looks delicious!
Eyeliquor-the best time is spring or early autumn here!
OdpowiedzUsuńMom Daughter Style - I noticed that fact only after your comment:)
Lily-good to hear that you are ok!
Darlin-it tastes very good! We had enough of "industrial" breads sold in shops, so it satisfies our dreams:)
Wkraj, ja też jestem pełna podziwu-tezeba być cierpliwym by piec, chyba sama bym miała dość:)
Thanks for all the comments!
OdpowiedzUsuńWhat a very nice first spring walk..
I can smell till my point this bread.
Reminds me to go to the bakery..
What a great combination, traveling with an eye on history...
OdpowiedzUsuńBitch, it was really fresh when I took that photo!
OdpowiedzUsuńLovely post Ola! I so love early spring and it's nice to see it in Pland as well!
OdpowiedzUsuńyou show us really interesting places in your blog. I´ve never seen that kind of cementery. Every culture is different. At those saint places too.
What a wonderful walk. The history of cemetery is interesting. great post and photos.
OdpowiedzUsuńSpring has arrived here too. I enjoyed looking at your pictures of the Kampinos Forrest. I also enjoyed looking at all the attractive dishes you showed in some of your last posts. Thanks for visiting my blog.
OdpowiedzUsuńwhat a thought provoking trip through both nature and history....
OdpowiedzUsuńHello Ola. Beautiful scenes here.
OdpowiedzUsuńEnjoy springtime.
Have a great day.
Gratuluję pierwszego bochenka! :)) Lubię takie spacery. U mnie dzisiaj cieplutko. Byłam o 9 na zakupach i latałam już w cieniutkiej, wiosennej kurtce :-) Uściski!
OdpowiedzUsuńThe landscape in your lovely little corner of the world is beautiful!
OdpowiedzUsuńHave a lovely evening, Ola x
What a beautiful place to spend the afternoon in the woods!
OdpowiedzUsuńIt's getting warmer here in London.
Oh, no I didn't win the lottery...
Maybe next time! ;)
we're experiencing lovely weather here,too. Spring is finally here. I look forward to many walks with the whole family.
OdpowiedzUsuńHello Ola, It is nice to meet you. I'm your newest follower. Thank you for visiting my blog and all your kind comments. Wishing you a Happy Spring!
What an interesting post...
OdpowiedzUsuńThe trees, the cemetery, kitchen window and bread! Eclectic! It really is good that you honor those soldiers by visiting the cemetery... they were all so young and had they lived, would be old men now... so sad...
Please join me at my history blog - I'd love to have you!
I must say the moment I saw pictures of a forest in Poland, I immediately thought of the second world war.
OdpowiedzUsuńGood to see that the graves are well maintained.
Welcome spring!
Hello Ola! Poland looks so beautiful in spring through your photos and the home-made bread is just yummy ^^
OdpowiedzUsuńThank you for your comments on my blog.
Nice to know you!
Lovely Spring stroll. We all seem to have a little Spring fever.
OdpowiedzUsuńHappy sunday Ola! Today, trees are in bloom here - so pretty! Have a lovely time.
OdpowiedzUsuńHi Ola! tjanks for your comment at Blogtrotter Two, which is leaving the Côte d’Azur 2010, but has a beautiful spot for you... Enjoy and have a wonderful week ahead!!
OdpowiedzUsuńPalmiry są często punktem startowym naszych wędrówek po puszczy. Może kiedyś spotkamy się na szlaku. Gratuluję chleba.
OdpowiedzUsuńNice to see the old cemetery is being well taken care of.
OdpowiedzUsuńJust stopping by to wish you a good week, that bread is so tempting to taste it.
Loved your pics! Thanks for sharing!
There is just nothing better then Springs arrival.
OdpowiedzUsuńEnjoy your weekend!
Debbie's Travels