Aleja lwów/Avenue of lions

Wakacje zbliżają się wielkimi krokami (w wersji optymistycznej), a ja tymczasem znalazłam nasze zdjęcia z wyjazdu na Tinos. W ramach tego urlopu udało nam się też popłynąć na inne wyspy cykladzkie – ja co prawda byłam wcześniej na Mykonos i Delos, ale dla Jacka był to pierwszy pobyt.

The holidays are coming soon (in the version for optimists) and I have just fund our pictures from our stay on the Tinos Island in Greece. During those holidays we visited also two other Cycladic islands – Mykons and Delos. I had been there before but for Jacek it was his first stay.

Najbardziej znanym zabytkiem Delos jest tzw. Aleja lwów, w starożytności było ich 7, a nawet gdzieś czytałam, że 12, do naszych czasów dotrwało 5, choć z innych źródeł wynika, że właśnie 7. Według mnie było ich 5;-) Moim wielkim greckim marzeniem było zawsze zobaczyć te lwy i udało mi się to dotychczas dwa razy. Szczęściara ze mnie! Oryginalne rzeźby znajdują się w muzeum na wyspie, na świeżym powietrzu w wiecznie żarzącym się słońcu stoją ich repliki. Lwy były strażnikami Świętego Jeziora, nie muszę dodawać, że po jeziorze został wtym upale tylko ślad w postaci chyba jedynego drzewa na wyspie;-)

The most famous monument of Delos is the Avenue of Lions, in the ancient times there were 7 of them and I read somewhere that there were 12 sculptures, 5 remained until our times but different sources say that there are 7. In my opinion there are 5;-) My great Greek dream was always to see those lions and until now I managed to see them two times. Lucky me! The original sculptures are kept in the museum on the island, and in the always shining sun outside there are only copies. The lions were the guards of the Sacred Lake, I do not have to add that in this heat its today’s signs of existance is the sole tree on the island;-)

W starożytności wyspa była centrum kultu religijnego, po którym do naszych czasów pozostały mniej lub bardziej zachowane ślady.

In the ancient times the island was a center of religious cult, some remains of this cult are well preserved some not very well.

Delos to wyspa, na której urodził się Apollo i Atremida. Nie ma na niej w zasadzie krzty cienia - nie rosną drzewa (poza jednym, o którym wyżej pisałam), są za to niewysokie góry, nie dające raczej schronienia przed słońcem. Chłód nocy na Delos też raczej nikomu się nie przytrafi, gdyż na tej malutkiej wyspie jest zakaz nocowania.

Delos is the island were Apollo and Artemis were born. On the island there is practically no shade – in fact no trees, there are some not very high hills which do not protect from the sun. Cold night on Delos is not possible, staying there during the night is forbidden.

Kolumna nie wymagająca chyba większych komenatrzy;-)
Column which is not requiring further comments;-)


Mimo skwaru na Delos warto spędzić kilka godzin, by potem wrócić do kolorowego Mykonos.
Despite the heat Delos is worth spending there few hours and then return to the colorful Mykonos.


Mrożona kawa w Małej Wenecji na Mykonos schłodzi rozgrzane słońcem głowy, choć przy płaceniu rachunku może nas zalać znów fala gorąca;-) To była jedna z droższych kaw, jakie piliśmy, ale widok rekompensuje rachunek.

Ice coffee in the Little Venezia on Mykons will cool down warm heads eventhough the bill could cause that we would feel hot again:-) It was one of the most expenisve coffees that we ever had but the view is worth the price.

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39 komentarzy:

  1. Ola, hi
    It is an honor and a pleasure for my, which highlights the beauty and the monuments of my country!
    I thank you very much!
    Your pictures are great!

  2. Beautiful photographs from Mykonos and Delos islands Ola.
    Wish you a beautiful month.

  3. Hi Ola,

    Thank you for showing your beautiful holiday snaps.
    The Greek islands look amazing and so glad you have been able to visit this gorgeous place.

    Happy weekend

  4. Magda, Greece is still my favourite holiday place:)
    Thank you all!

  5. Wow! Very interesting statues!

    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and your wonderful comments!

    I hope you are enjoying taking a look around.

    Have a wonderful weekend!
    Debbie's Travels

  6. I hope you can see both Apollo and Artemis.

    That's fun!!

  7. Beautiful captures of the ruins and thank you for the information. I learn so much from your blog. :)

  8. The lions are tremendous, the islands are lovely.

  9. That could be the reason why they don't encourage "shades"? So people won't be tempted to stay. Beautiful photos of a wonderful place.

  10. What a lovely holiday! Isn't Greece amazing?! That color! :)

  11. Lovely writing as always!
    The optimist version :))
    Nice one!
    Thank you :)

  12. Olu piękne zdjęcia - w Grecji byłam parę razy i ciągle chcę tam wracać. ps. jak możesz wrzucać takie słoneczne zdjęcia ?? ja chcę na wakacje!:)

  13. Blue sky and water and a greek island - so nice, would love to be there now! I have never been to Greece. Have a lovely weekend Ola!

  14. Greece is such a lovely country!
    Always so sunny there.
    I miss the sun and sea so much.

  15. Ola, you are so very blessed to have visited Greece twice! I'd love to go even once. Wonderful photos, thank you for sharing a piece of Greece with us, these are the first photos I've seen on blogger of Greece I believe... and I've been here on blogger for over two years now.

  16. My very favorite sweet coffee can be had at a little café in Soleure... almond coffee in a tall glass. So delicious, but also pricey. Still... one is enough, and it's worth the memory I take home with me. xoxo

    (you ought to visit Switzerland someday, Ola!)

  17. Piękne wspomnienia, piękne miejsce, piękne lato. Cóż na razie mogę tylko pomarzyć.
    Pozdrawiam :)

  18. Poczułam lato i zapach greckiej rozpalonej słońcem ziemi.

  19. Ooh, I've been here! Beautiful place.

  20. your blog is a great travel blog. i love the scenes in the pictures

  21. Hi Ola,
    I have spend many years ago beautiful
    days in Mykonos and of course a trip
    to Delos.. I remember the heat.
    And is the coffee still so expensive?


  22. dziękuję za wszystkie miłe słowa
    thank you for all nice words

    Bitch, I spent 2 weeks on Mykons once, great memories! The prices in the Little Venezia are crazy:)

  23. Greece is a dream destination for me....lets see when can i make it!!!!

  24. What a wonderful place to visit! I love the thought of sitting down and enjoying such a view with delicious coffee in hand.

  25. Mam nadzieję, że i mnie tam poniesie w najbliższe wakacje :)) Wiesz Olu, najbardziej niepojęte jest dla mnie to 1 drzewo :P Musi być strraszny skwar. Ale po takiej zimie tego właśnie potrzebujemy! :) Uściski!

  26. This little island with a great history and civilization it's worthy to visit. Your pictures are very good once more!

  27. Kasia, no i ten zapach słońcem rozgrzanej ziemi i drzew piniowych-cudownie!

  28. Kurcze, ale tam.... sucho!

  29. Tak, to jedno z bardziej suchych miejsc na Cykladach!

  30. It seems that you had a great time:) Very nice photos!

  31. I went to Mikonos 20 years ago! I´d like to come back because I only spent there one afternoon.

  32. Hey Ola...very unique I must say and glad you share this with us, if ever I do visit I'm afraid it might all be gone ya :D

  33. Wonderful memories, Ola. I've never been to Greece but my husband traveled there by ferry from Southern Italy. He went many, many, years ago and the prices were very inexpensive then. We hope to travel to see all the islands of Greece someday!

  34. what gorgeous fotos of my favorite place!!! and so fun to see you in them, ola -- you look so cute!!


  35. Te lwy jak foczki wygladaja, no ale jak maja po tylu wiekach wygladac!
    Piekne zdjecia :)

  36. we would love to visit greece one day, thanx for taking us through your wonderful time. the weather seems great! :D

  37. Iced coffee in Venice... had you invited me, I would have swept over in a sec!

  38. Ola:

    Wonderful photo's from your trip, my friends are going to Greece this coming May, this is the second time I had to cancel -- too much work these days, but at least I got to see your beautiful photo's.



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