Nasz mały raj na Cykladach/Our small paradise on Cycladic Islands

Jak już wspominałam w poprzednim poście, kilka lat temu odwiedziliśmy piękną, choć mało turystycznie rozreklamowaną wyspę Tinos, należącą do archipelagu Wysp Cykladzkich.

As I have mentioned in the previous post, a few years ago we visited a pretty but not very well advertised island, called Tinos, belonging to the Cycladic archipelago.

Na razie na wyspie nie ma lotniska, co wpływa na jej spokojny charakter.

So far there is no airport at the island which also has influence on its peaceful character.

Można powiedzieć, że to raj w miniaturze. Mało turystów, dużo Greków, którzy przypływają tu na jednodniowe pielgrzymki do stolicy wyspy, do świątyni Panagia Evangelista, znanej z cudownej ikony.

One may say that it is a small paradise. Not many tourist, a lot of Greek pilgrims who come on the island for one - day visits to the capital of the island, famous for its Panagia Evangelista Church with a miraculous icon.

Żadna grecka wyspa nie może obyć się bez wszędobylskich kotów oraz mrowia owadów.

No Greek island could do without cats and some insects.

Widok na dzwonnicę w stolicy.
View over the belfry in the capital.

Tinos znane jest też z wiatraków i artystycznie wykonanych gołębników, których jest tu podobno 1300. Specjalnością kulinarną wyspy są, a raczej pewnie były, pieczone gołębie, obecnie niedostępne w restauracyjnych menu. Najwięcej najciekawszych gołębników znajduje się w Dolinie Tarambados.

Tinos is known also from windmills and artistic pigeon houses, there are 1300 of them on the island. The specialty of the island cooking are, or rather were, baked pigeons, now unavailable in restaurants. The biggest number of the pigeon houses is located in Tarambados Valley.

Jeśli chce się zobaczyć typowo greckie widoczki, znane z pocztówek czy z albumów, Cyklady się do tego świetnie nadają.

If someone wants to see typical Greek views, known from postcards or albums, Cycladic Islands are perfect for that.

Port w Panormos jest wyjątkowo spokojnym miejscem na wyspie.
Panormos Port is an especially peaceful place on the island.

Miasteczko Pirgos znane jest ze Szkoły Sztuk Pięknych.
Pirgos is known from the School of Fine Arts.

Rzeźbiarzom zawdzięcza starannie wykonane marmurowe domostwa i liczne ozdoby, a nawet marmurowy cmentarz.

The town owns to the sculptures carefully made marble houses, many decorations and even a marble cemetery.

Część miejskiego murku.
Part of a town wall.

Wkrótce druga część relacji z malowniczej Tinos.
Soon second part of our report from picturesque Tinos.

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44 komentarze:

  1. What a beautiful couple you are!
    The pictures are wonderful and I thank you for your nice words for Greece!
    I believe the next time to come to Halkidiki.
    Lots of kisses

  2. Wspaniała wakacyjna atmosfera! No i cykady na Cykladach muszą być :)

  3. Ola, this looks like a perfect place to vacation. I love the peacefulness which I see, there sounds to be a lot to see while visiting here and to be surrounded by water is so beautiful. The photos are beautiful, it makes me want to go for a holiday!

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. the first picture says it all! - how is it that you are always traveling?? :p


  5. You're right, this place is a paradise!
    Beautiful shots, I hope I visit Tinos one day. ;-)

  6. Isn't it just idyllic!? The blue of the it like that anywhere other than Greece? And you and your husband look like you really enjoyed yourselves! Hope more such wonderful trips are soon to come your way!

  7. Ola, OMG, how i would LOVE to be in Tinos now - sounds and looks like eaven for a girl whi needs a break from it all. So blue and white and lovely! Hope spring has come to your place and you will have a gorgeous weekend - sunny greetings!

  8. Beautiful photographs Ola -- was that flower pot buried in the sand? I love it! :)

  9. Kolejne wspaniale miejsce na letni wypad :)

  10. Lubię takie greckie wyspy. Mało turystów, dużo Greków, brak lotniska. Można poczuć wyspiarski klimat.

  11. Jak pięknie :) Ja już postanowiłam, że w 2012 muszę się na jakąś grecką wyspę wybrać, myślę nad Thassos lub Zakhyntos (bo z niej mogę wyskoczyć na mniejsze)

  12. such a beautiful place! I've got a pic like you on boat, 20 years ago. i want come back to the islands

  13. you look great, it looks like a very relaxing place. Perfect for a summer getaway

  14. Ajka, Zakhyntos pozbawione jest zabytków po trzęsieniach ziemi, Thasos jest super!
    Nancy - I think so

    Diękuję za komentarze/thanks for all comments

  15. Bardzo tam sielsko, pozdrawiam

  16. Ola, you would make a wonderful tour guide. Your posts are so interesting... and lively.

    Beautiful shots! And hubby looks quite comfortable in the first picture! Cheers.

  17. Excellent series of images of such a bright, beautiful and peaceful setting. How blessed you are to have such a place to visit!

  18. ah, beautiful, warm, blue and white greece!!

    great shots of both of you - looks like you're having a grand time!

  19. Seems like you guys had a wonderful time over in that beautiful classy place. Like the clear blue sky pictures and the sun.

  20. Thank you for your fabulous photos and your comments.

  21. Cudowne zdjęcia!! Uwielbiam ich te kolorki ;)

  22. Ola, Thank you for sharing such a beautiful island with us. The photos are such a treat; I enjoyed the visit very much. It was nice to hear from you.
    Hugs ~*~Wendy~*~

  23. Hey Ola! Thanks so much for visiting my blog :) You have a lovely space here... jus love all the pics of the island you have put up here! looks so peaceful and beautiful...
    glad to follow u on the blogosphere :)

  24. Olu, w pierwszym zdjęciu jestem zakochana! :-) Chciałabym spróbować kiedyś takich pieczonych gołębi. Uściski!

  25. Thank you so much for your visit. What a beautiful post and you photos are fantastic. I will be back. Diane

  26. Dear,

    Thanks for the wonderful photos, full of colours. It is great reading your Blog.

    Kind regards,


  27. The flowers in the last photo are hibiscus.
    It's the national flower of Malaysia. ;)

  28. Antonio, thank you
    London Caller, I like hibiscus tea:)

  29. Akurat zabytki to ostatnia rzecz która ciągnie mnie na wyspy ;) raczej widoczki, relaks i cudownie bujanie się na łódce po morzu :D Mamy rezerwację na sobotę??

  30. The colors in the first pic are awesome. The blue door and windows with the red plant look great. Looks like a womderful place for a vacation.

  31. Ajka-a mnie właśnie zabytki:) mamy na 15stą

  32. Your photos are very beautiful. They are a almost - almost - as good as being on the trip itself :-). You have a lovely blog and I will be back often. I hope you have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  33. seems like u really had a great time there! i really like the 5th picture from bottom. good composition! any chance we could see any of the 1300 pegionhole? :D

  34. What a beautiful place Ola and I think it is good not to 'advertise' otherwise, once it gets will spoil the nature charm of this place.

    I love it!!! So peaceful and nice.

  35. You're always on holidays, a lovely experience. Nice photos.

  36. Have been many times on Tinos island.
    You have posted very "Greek" images.
    I love that you love Greece.
    Send my hugs

  37. You've been in a place that enchants !!!!!!!!!

  38. You've been in a place that enchants !!!!!!!!!

  39. Ola:

    Stunning photo's of Greece.

    No wonder you love going there -- a sunny paradise.


  40. Another great post for a Greek magical place!

  41. What beautiful photographs of a gorgeous island. It has been many years (too many years sadly) that I have travelled the Cyclades. I spent a few weeks on an island called Ios, this was long before it was ruined with hotels and an airport. You are right, the best islands are those without an airport!

  42. what a perfect getaway. your photos are wonderful. thanks for sharing your beautiful memories.


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